Two good ole boys were sitting around talking about their military days. One man said he went through airborne ranger school. His son was listening to the stories and ask his father if he had jumped out of a plane. The father tried to avoid the question . The boy persisted and said but daddy I thought you said you were an airborne ranger. The father replied, well this is what happened. I had completed my ground training and we went up for our first jump. I was the last in line and everyone else had already jumped. I looked down and decided there was no way I was jumping out of that plane. One of the instructors tried to push me out but I held on to that door for dear life. Then a big black tough as nails sergeant walked up behind me and yelled jump. I yelled no way. He then unzipped his pants and said boy if you don't jump out of this plane I am going to stick my manhood in you where the sun don't shine. The son then breathlessly ask, well daddy did you jump? His father then sheepishly replied, well, yeah, a little bit.