Update about this:
Last week I've sent a bunch of emails to several casinos I play,
Spin Palace beeing one of them, that I could no longer play because of the update.
They replied the same day that there was not much they could do, as the updates are nessecairy for the new games/functionality etc.
Today I received another mail from
Spin Palace, it is now possible to DOWNGRADE to the previous version ON REQUEST!
All you have to do is email them with your account number and you'll be able to play on the previous version of the software again!
No 5 games at once, no Hellboy, but I don't give a flying rats ass, I'm gonna DOWNGRADE NOW!!
Lets hope other MG's will follow this example soon!!
<a href="http://www.spinpalace.com/index.asp?s=wgs11844&a=wgsaffad0"><img src="http://www.wagershare.com/affiliate_media/Banners/b5843.gif" alt="Euro Bonuses"></a>