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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
but what about after midnight on 7-17?
Didn't anybody catch this???
I had a good laugh....
Let me see wouldn't that be the 18th....Or am I missing something?? Srry Dipstick I couldn't resist...mos



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
We had a 4th of july party, go figure, A friend snuck off into one of the kids bedroom and passed out, So I borrowed some nail polish and lipstick and did all his toes and about half his fingers and his lips, I might add a very good job too, I had to keep running out of the room cause I was crying I was laughing so hard along with several others at the door. Well I had to stay too cause I drank to much but was the plan. The next morning we hear this godawful yell, and then another, a minute later another, We were in tears again, He had sat on the toilet and looked down and saw his toes then got up to wash his hands then looked in the mirror OMG I had the worst gut ache you could imagine. I don't think I stopped laughing for a week. He was a big boy too. I'm lucky he liked me..Got me laugh again...



Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
LMAO, you guys are baaaaaaddddd! Good luck and thanks for all your support Streakers! WooHoo


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
#2 story I was working building 1/2 million dollar track homes I think there were 7. This 1 guy was always playing jokes on people and I was getting him back by locking him in the portapotty and running back into house I was working in cause he could look out the vents and I didn't want him to see me, so I saw what happen after the fact. Minutes later one of the boss's came driveing in and backed up to the pp and hooked the rope that was for draging it closer to each job we were working on and there just happen to be one of those trucks right behind it picking up a full dumpster and making plenty noise dragging this 20 yrd dumpster up onto the bed. The boss said he called out and didn't hear anybody plus he saw that the outside lock was hanging thru the hasp so nobody should be inside anyway. He jumps in his truck and takes off and this poor guy I locked in there was standing up buttoning his pants when the boss took off and you would think he just went for a ride but the guy loose's his balance and falls towards the back and the thing flips over backwards. The only lucky thing for him was he was the first to use it after the the company had just cleaned it and put new chemicals and water. He was a little green tinted for a few day's but he never found out I did it which was good cause he didn't take it to well and was twice my size.. But he pretty much cooled his practical jokes.

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Junior Streaker
Jul 25, 2008
I pick #2!


A practical joke..hmm...oh..ok..so last week I actually won at an online casino and cashed out at $3,000. Unfortunately, (because I'm in the U.S.), my cashout methods were limited to 1...paper check. It costs $50 and takes 10 to 14 business days to process. I waited a couple of days and the winnings hadn't been removed from my account. Being the gambler I am, I played the money! Little by little until I was down to $20. Then....I won!! I got it back up to $3,000 and attempted to cash it out. It said I was unable to b/c I had a cashout in the process. I contacted the casino to see if they would still process my cashout even though i had lost ..then won it back. No response. It had been 6 days since I originally cashed out. Being the gambler that I am..I played the money little by little until it was gone. Now it had been 9 days since my original request. I checked my email and lo and behold the casino responded and said "yes we will still process your cashout as long is the money is in your account."

HA HA HA HA I got nothing...NOTHING!! HA HA HA FUNNY!!! I'm so Charlie Brown!!
O.k so it really wasn't funny ..but I can't stop thinking about it!wah


Junior Streaker
Apr 6, 2008
<table border="0" width="600"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td>Jul 25,2008</td> <td>04:07</td> <td colspan="2">Neteller</td> <td align="right">+50.00</td> <td align="right">50.00</td></tr></tbody></table>[FONT=&quot]CH872658

I would like to try jolly #4 please

thanks streak and intertops:eek:


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
<TABLE width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD>Jul 23,2008</TD><TD>18:09</TD><TD colSpan=2>Credit Card</TD><TD align=right>+20.00</TD><TD align=right>20.00</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#e5e5e5><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD colSpan=2></TD><TD align=right></TD><TD align=right></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD colSpan=2><TD align=right></TD><TD align=right></TD><TD align=middle bgColor=#ffcc00></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#e5e5e5><TD>Jul 23,2008</TD><TD>18:35</TD><TD colSpan=2>Credit Card</TD><TD align=right>+45.00</TD><TD align=right>45.00</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD colSpan=2></TD><TD align=right></TD><TD align=right></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I made two deposits so far my Intertop id is DARL1018 and my choices are number's 6 and 32.

Practical jokes following.


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
For my first practical joke I'd like number 15 please.

This was years ago (when I was young LOL) I actually switched a friends shoe (which was identical to mine and same size too) with the opposite foot and she actually never knew..she thought her feet were just "weird" of course I ended up telling her what I did and she got a laugh and a sigh of relief from it knowing her feet where just fine LOL.


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
My second practical joke was played on me from that same friend. I'd like number 28 for this part of the contest please.

She got me back when she called my house and told my whole family that I just won a million dollars and was getting bringing the money home with me when I got home everyone was happy an cheering and waiting to see the green of course everyone was mad at me when I had to tell them my friend was fibbing. :-( not so funny to them.


Junior Streaker
Apr 6, 2008
practical joke #1

I was away camping down at phillip island and we had about 5 kids ranging from 4 and 7. On a nature walk we began to explain to the kids about tree drop koalas who lived in the surrounding trees.
We kept reminding them about these until it was time to put the kids to sleep.

Upon them falling asleep, we hatched a plan to wrap a pillow up in a bag and stuck some tree branches out the sides.

we then dropped it on top of the tent the kids were in and scared the living crap out of them, kids were running and crying while the adults were screaming to the kids to run................the kids finally came around to the prank and the adults stopped from laughing so hard

that was a good weekend
#2 to follow


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Good luck Streakers. Thanks for all the great laughs with the pranks too! :ohboy
