truth be said I played it down a grand...its not really alot more cash when you bet $125 Vs $12.50.... actually made way more money at 12.50, 3 minutes to go from 3 Grand to 2.2 grand, get slapped by the wife, and look around the room to see who ruin my nice 3 Grand win....Where is that Litlle guy that says bet more....just bring it down another hundred than cash it.....Where is he when the wife says "Hey Stupid, Ya Home"?. Wife said she was would set My jerseys ablaze in the yard if I didnt Cashout I burned it to a round NUmber( leaving enough for Tournaments MUHAHAHA, For a month...MUhahaha) anyways I wonder what this money looks like.... Seems I win and My wife starts Circling like a Shark....this used to be fun...... is franklen still on the hundred bill