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Vegas Partners slow to credit

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Senior Streaker
Feb 27, 2008
Please remember this is only MY opinion.

I am so angry with this group of casinos, I will no longer deposit or play there. :(
This didn't happen at this forum, but none the less I would like others to know about this.

I have been a depositing player at Vegas Partners casinos for quite some time now. Not a weekly depositer, but none the less a depositing player. I won a contest at another board on the 22 of April and I am still waiting to be credited. I know that several emails have been sent out to them requesting the credits, but there has been no response. This was a depositing contest not just a free chip. I deposited over $300. This is not the first time they have taken so long to credit accounts after contests. Other casinos usually credit within 2 days, why does it take these guys over 7 days to do this? They don't have a problem taking my money, and it doesn't take 7 - 10 days for them to do it.

I was angry over the last 2 contests that I won having to wait so long for crediting, and this is the last straw. I will not enter any contests that they sponsor, and I will no longer deposit there.

Thanks for letting me vent! :(


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I'm really sorry this has happened to you. Vegas Partner has always credited me in a timely manner from contest wins. I'm sure this is just a mixup. Be patient, as I'm sure the board you entered at is doing everything possible to have this fixed for you. Be sure to keep us updated.



Senior Streaker
Feb 27, 2008
Yes, I know that the board is doing everything possible, I don't blame the board at all. But this is the 3rd contest win for me and this is the 3rd time that I have had to wait more than 7 days. Today makes 9 days and still nothing. The board has had no responses from the emails sent out either. I just don't think that this is very responsible of the Casino.

But thanks for taking the time to read my frustration venting and giving me your imput lucky639 :eek:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Also the people that credit these are off for 3 of the working days this week and do not return until Monday so that could be a factor.
