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Transformers Weekend @ Royal Joker & Intertops

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Lifetime Streaker
Oct 30, 2008

The Transformers have returned with a $9,000 gift!

Weekends have never transformed the way they will this May and June!

Royal Joker Casino is having a pre-release party for the all new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen!

Every weekend $9,000 will be divided between 200 players and across Royal Joker Casino and Intertops.com Casino and your share is based on how many points you earn over the weekend.

However, by playing at Royal Joker Casino you will get 10% more bonus points.

You can earn your Transformation points in the following 3 ways:
  • 1 point per $900 in placed bets
  • 1 point per $90 won
  • 1 points per $90 lost
Want to know how well you're doing? Just, roll on over to the score board and scroll through the list of players to find out how well your account is transforming.

The transformation bonus will be credited each Monday during May and June that's 9 times to win a share of $9,000!

Royal Joker Casino just keeps rolling! We'll randomly choose 5 lucky players at the end of June who will receive the Transformers Collector's Edition DVD plus an additional perk of $50 to watch the new movie.

So, what are you waiting for? Roll out and play!

Note: Remember to always read the terms & conditions of any bonus/promotion prior to play to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

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