Judy, that is a rough thing to suffer with. The girls and I will keep you in our prayers. It is so unfair that people have to go through such things even with all the advances we have made in medicine.
They drained off another 1 and a half liters tonight. Can't believe how much is there. I know I have yet to meet any of you but you really are like family to me. It sure would be nice to meet someday. Between here gg and fb, I have been amazed at how many prayers we have had. It really makes me feel like I am not so alone in this and I am forever grateful to you all. I will always be loyal to you all. Love to you all!
It must be so terrible to see him like that Michelle!! Please let us know how he is doing after he wakes. I will continue to pray for Phil and that he will recover very very soon!! They called me at 1:00 am yesterday, he coughed his tube out and they had real trouble getting it back in. I was there within 5 minutes and they were still working on him. Luckily there was a doctor working in the ER that specializes in getting these tubes in better than the other doctors. This was his third time with it coming out and they were real worried. Today was the surgery for doing the tracheostomy. When the anesthesiologist came in he was worried about Phil getting through it. For one they had to transfer the tube and he was worried about that and then with the recent heart surgery that was another thing. The girls and I stayed up there and prayed through it. It ended up going well. They have already backed the sedation down and hopefully tomorrow he will wake at some time. I am concerned about how long he was without oxygen several times. I will feel so much better when he wakes and looks at me and recognizes me. It has been a long 10 days with him being sedated. Thank you again for all the prayers, I just know they helped.
Lots of love to you all from me and my girls!
I cant even imagine how you must be feeling right now Michelle. You and the girls must be going through hell. Its a horrible thing to go through to see someone you love in so much pain and being helpless to do anything for them. Hang in there and stay strong. We are all here for you and are all praying very hard for Phil! We are holding up as well as can be expected. It hurts so much to see him like this. I just can't wait til he can communicate with me better. Love you all!