Thank you so much for the prayers, hugs and love...
My husband is doing really well, was stepped down to acute care yesterday, and is responding really well to medicines... if they can keep the bp down he'll not need surgery! Please pray for him as he faces the disability question, he so desparetely yearns to go to work again, but his jobs are skilled trades involving heavy lifting and he probably should retire...
I've told him about his mom, but the news today is very bad ... the fluid on her brain is back, and surgery will not bring her back. They've started palliative care to keep her comfortable and have to make the awful decision on Monday regarding shutting machines...
I asked him today if he wants news of her condition or if he'd prefer to forget about it while he's so sick... he chose the latter... I have NO idea how or if he can even go to a funeral... and I'm just beside myself.
My inlaws have shown me great kindness through this, by shielding me regarding her illness while he was so desperately ill... and for understanding why I can't drive the two hours to be with them there...
Please pray for them also as they face this tough time.
THank you again, I love you all... and I'm very very tired and sad, but I'm alive and well and the Lord will give me strength to do what I must!!
love to you all, labell