Well I never like to get into a debate about religion or politics because in the end nobody really wins because the opinions are always split.....with that being said here is my opinion about this years election directed to Ceeks
The majority of black people are not voting for Obama just because he is not melanin challenged I know quite a few that are voting for McCain also. I don't expect most people to understand the effects of what this country is going through if they are not from here but we need a change I wouldnt care if the person was purple and green and had both male and female parts I just want to send my kid to college and be able to pay my mortgage.
I have lost 2 homes and 5 cars under Bush's administration and it wasnt because of bad budgeting or a crack habit it was because both companies I worked for ended up going bankrupt. Now these werent mom an pop shops these were well established companies one went under because of offshore workers the other because of the economy...so until you know how it feels to loose everything within a matter of 1 year please don't dumb down african americans or anyone else to making there voting decisions on color swatches!
By the way I'm mixed with Dominican, French Creole and African American the majority of America is a melting pot anyway so whatever we are we are ALL AMERICANS!!