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Having a smoke and playing, too

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Having a smoke and playing, too9 June 2008

by Liz Benston

By Our Partners at the Las Vegas Sun

LAS VEGAS, Nevada -- Check out Sharon Cottrell's cigarette.

It's not, really. And it gets her around Nevada's no-smoking laws.

The thing she's holding between her fingers and drawing to her mouth looks like a pen. It's got a battery. And that's not smoke but what's left of water vapor that carries nicotine from a cartridge into the user's lungs.

Faux cigarettes are now showing up across Las Vegas.

"It's awesome," Cottrell said of her skinny little nicotine machine. "There are all these places where you can't smoke. I'm getting what I need from the nicotine. I like being able to 'smoke' in my home and in my car without having the smoke smell."

Cottrell bought her device, called NJOY, at JJ's Tavern, one of 36 Las Vegas-area taverns, including PTs and Sierra Gold, that are owned by Golden Gaming and are pushing the devices.

More than half of Golden's taverns have gone smoke-free since a voter-supported smoking ban took effect in December 2006.

For Golden, NJOY is a way to keep smokers legally in its nonsmoking bars.

Dragging on the device beats stepping outside a bar on a 100-degree day to smoke a real cigarette, said Christopher Abraham, vice president of marketing for Golden Gaming.

Abraham said the devices are "selling like hotcakes" at its three casinos in Colorado, where a smoking ban began in January.

Golden is selling the device for about $40 less than the product's retail price of $110, with bigger discounts for its loyalty club members. Cartridges for the device are sold separately.

The Southern Nevada Health District says NJOY complies with smoking bans but wouldn't comment on the pros and cons of the product.

NJOY was developed by patent attorneys in Scottsdale, Ariz., who saw a marketing opportunity with the spread of smoking bans across the country. Unclear are the device's potential health benefits — users aren't inhaling carcinogenic smoke — or any long-term detrimental effects of inhaling nicotine through it.

A light on the device blinks when the user has inhaled the equivalent of one cigarette or a pack of cigarettes. And though the devices are marketed as substitutes for cigarettes and not cessation devices, smokers trying to wean themselves from cigarettes can buy low-dose nicotine cartridges or even cartridges with no nicotine added.

The American Cancer Society hasn't exactly welcomed the devices: "While products such as NJOY may help someone avoid withdrawal symptoms while in a nonsmoking environment and also avoid harming nonsmokers, there are no reliable data available concerning the health effects of using NJOY and there are data which suggest that using such products may reduce a smoker's incentive to quit altogether," said Thomas J. Glynn, director of cancer science and trends for the American Cancer Society.

But Smoke-Free Gaming of Colorado Chairwoman Stephanie Steinberg, who is pushing for smoking bans in casinos nationwide, says the product has promise.

"As long as a product like this isn't harmful to other people we don't find anything negative about it," Steinberg said.

The product doesn't need approval from the Food and Drug Administration because it's not a smoking cessation device and does not claim any health benefits in its advertising.

Golden's taverns, where employees get to know their regulars over the course of years, are an invaluable test market for NJOY products, the manufacturer says.

Golden is going one step further by allowing its employees to "smoke" on the job. Bartenders who smoke can puff on an NJOY between serving drinks — satisfying their cravings as well as initiating inquisitive looks, and questions, from customers.

Derek Stemm, general manager of a nonsmoking PT's Pub on Warm Springs Road, has sold about a dozen devices to his customers.

"Every response I've gotten back has all been positive," Stemm said. "People are now taking it home with them, smoking it in their car, their house, at their desk at work. It's unbelievable."

NJOY manufacturer Sottera views Golden as the tip of the iceberg in tapping a rich vein of smokers: the ones who gamble but are threatened by the growing number of smoking bans.

The company also sells the product in casino retail shops and some retail chains nationwide.

Chief Executive Jack Leadbeater says he's in discussions with major Las Vegas casinos that are testing them with a few of their high rollers.

"They allow them to smoke on their (casino) floors but they don't want them smoking in their rooms, which is a hard thing to pull off," Leadbeater said.


Senior Streaker
Apr 28, 2008
i saw them on tv last week on a program they look good but do they really work


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Wow I have never heard of them, thats so weird, dont know what to think. lol


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I know! I read this and had to read it again and then decided to share, lol.:dizzy


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
OK, we've all gone MAD, but they are only letting us know lit bit by bit!! OR- the jokes not on us... We've become the bloody joke!!

OMG- I had to read it 3 times Judy!!!!

A light on the device blinks when the user has inhaled the equivalent of one cigarette or a pack of cigarettes. And though the devices are marketed as substitutes for cigarettes and not cessation devices, smokers trying to wean themselves from cigarettes can buy low-dose nicotine cartridges or even cartridges with no nicotine added.

What would I buy??? I smoke Camel NON-FILTERS????

I love the cost as well! I think it said 110.00 retail but they would sell them for 40 bucks less?

This takes the frikin' cake!!!! :world << (thats the majority of the REST of the world laughing at us silly AMERICANS!!!)

Can you tell this one really blows my mind???



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I think this is fabulous! It addresses the most common barriers to quitting smoking...(If it does indeed work as presented)

1. Nicotine withdraw
2. Habit of having a cigarette in your hand.

As far as health issues, (it's 5am and I don't feel up to wading thru all the pros and cons of nicotine) no tar, no carcinogens, no smoke, no inhaling the thousands of chemicals associated with cigarettes...

Then when you consider the other social detriments...clothes, car and house stink of cigarettes, fouling non smokers environments, can't smoke in public places, poisoning your pets, etc.

I'd give this a whirl!

I just ordered Dr. Frank's Joint Pain Spray...you order this one, Liz and we can trade reports on effectiveness!
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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Hiya MP!!

I hope you get big time relief from the spray!!!


No chance would I get one of those do-dads!



Hahaha! I just read your reason for editing! LOL!!!


Feb 25, 2008
I love the cost as well! I think it said 110.00 retail but they would sell them for 40 bucks less?

I don't know CALizzz...The price of a carton of cigs here is around 85 bucks. if this could help a guy get off the smokes might be worth it. I buy loose tobacco on the reservation for 45 dolars plus the filtered tubes (200 for 3 dolars) every two weeks....might be worth it if it workes.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
OMG!! 85 bucks for a carton of cigs? I quit 2002 and OMG am I glad I did!!!! Not only am I alive because I did but I also smoked about a carton and a half a week (2 packs a day) that works out to $510 a MONTH!!!!!! OMG!!!! That is half my income just for cigarettes!!!! WOW! We have an Indian Casino here about 2 miles out of town and there was a big place to buy your cigs there cheaper. It was a small casino and they are now expanding and making it to be one of the BIG ones. They closed ALL the cig places there recently. So you had to drive about 40 miles to the reservation to buy them. Guess what! They closed the smoke shop on the reservation now too!!! If people here want cigs they have to go out of state to Idaho to get them (and hope they don't get caught) or buy them in the store!


Feb 25, 2008
As most of you know I am married to an american who still keeps her house in New jersey..we travel back and forth alot and she stays there without me for medical reasons alot of the time...she bought cigs over the internet for about 2 years and last september she received a bill from the state of new jersey for over 2600.00 in taxes they say are owed on the out of state cigs...That went up because she hadn't made a payment another 300 dollars. She paid it off because she would lose her homestead rebate and other things from the state...so ya..its a very pricy habit that I hope we can both get rid of soon...lol. Now she still gets cigs over the net but uses money orders with fake name so the state can't track her(they traced master card and visa's to get information)


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Holy Crap! That sucks hon. I hope for both of your sakes, that you are able to quit. I know LOTS of people that swear by the new prescription drug CHANTIX (I think that is how you spell it!)

It just dawned on me too that you said they traced her cards? WHAT THE HELL were they doing THAT for? WTF?
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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
I quit for a year and started again. So, when, when I'm ready to quit again I'll chew the gum. It helped me. But truth is with anything you gotta really want it!

Retro, what a story!!




Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
It sounds kinda like the old gin in the water bottle deal. Same idea, different props.ugly
