Please remember though that not everyone that gambles has a problem. Just like everyone that drinks is not an alcoholic. If done responsibly they are both great entertainment.
Exactly right Thammavongsa, you often can see the difference at the clubs here, there will be a group of people out for the night and they all throw in a bit of money and play the one machine and have a wow of a time laughing and whooping when they win something and then you see the lone gambler with the haggard look on their face and even when they have a win of hundreds they barely blink, it is just so very sad to see the contrast.
Exactly right chinomoreno!I think it is a good thing that these gamblers are aware of their problems because if that is the case then there is no one who can help them but themselves. The only thing that we can offer is support and assure that they have some people around them that they can talk to.
I totally agree. Is there a way to exclude yourself from online gambling? I mean there is a self exclusion in land based casinos right, how about on online gambling?