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Gold-Pay email

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I signed up for this when it came out, but never used it. Got this email today:

Dear customers,

Recently, as a result of pending legal matters, Gold-Pay was forced to
suspend all gaming related transactions. We do not have a timleine for
when those issues will be resolved or what the outcome will be. We do
apologize for this disruption in our operations and we know this is
both unexpected and unfortunate for everyone involved. You may
continue to access your account but no account activity will be
possible until the legal issues have been resolved. Please contact us
via secure mail if you have any questions.


Customer Support


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 21, 2009
Another one down...........I think it's terrible. Why can't the government just leave us alone!!!!

I looked at their site, but, that was all.

Thanks for the notice!
