Thank heavens I'm able to laugh at myself... this has to be the most stupid thing I've ever participated in. Here's the truth about the tournament in my humble opinion.....
Beaches told me so - but I did it anyway.... lol
It was just too good to pass up, the chance for a nice win, with all those cheap continue plays....
But in the beginning, while I was in first place I did the math... hmmmm would three hours of spinning on a game I really don't like be worth it.... hmmm well yes if I'd win the $500, that would be a hundred dollars an hour....
LOL Well mama hogg took over and said SPIN SPIN SPIN....
Ah, said I, how about downloading it on that fancy laptop I "had" to have... the one that's too heavy for me to carry? Oh crap, what's this Windows Vista "Internet Explorer has stopped working" aaaarrrgggg
time out to finish supper.... Wish I could have enjoyed it, it was really good everyone else said... home stuffed baked chicken with mashed potatoes home made chicken gravy and dressing..... heart burn increasing as I worry my lead is slipping, chicken sticking in my throat, I gotta go.... Oh wait, I've forgotten, I'm in another tournament that ends at midnight.... got to finish it first.... will get to this one after....
and so now three loooooong hours later, slot shoulder extraordinaire - I sit with my heating pad, my ibuprofen and my 7th place "win", wishing I'd gotten a whole nights sleep .... 7 hours to go till it's officially finished, hopefully I'll stay in the $22 win range.... rofl pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.
I just hope it's a Streaker who wins first place....