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Finland Considering Dissolving the Veikkaus Gaming Monopoly

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Jan 14, 2008

The idea that Finland’s state-run gaming operator should be split up is gaining steam. The Veikkaus monopoly may be broken up in the coming government term, according to recent comments by Minister of European Affairs and Ownership Steering Tytti Tuppurainen.

Veikkaus has previously acknowledged that the monopoly may not be in the best interest of Finland. Even a major political party, the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP), one of the staunch supporters of the monopoly, sees good aspects in moving to a licensing model.

A coalition of political parties shows that opinion polls clearly support breaking Veikkaus’ monopoly. If the coalition formed an alliance with the SDP, digital games could open up to foreign game companies through the licensing model.

Tearing Down the Walls​

Should the monopoly end, the online casino and betting markets could thus open up to the competition. Veikkaus would remain only in so-called proximity games, such as slot machines, lottery games, and Lotto.

Matters related to lottery regulation are under the control of the SDP and the Minister of Local Government, Sirpa Paatero. The latter is also the chairman of the party council, so she speaks for the SDP.

Tuppurainen hopes that momentum will pick up soon, according to comments she provided to Norway’s MTV News in a recent interview. She’s hoping dedicated research on the subject can begin this month, with a response possible before parliamentary elections this April.

Member of Parliament Sari Multala of the Conservative Party supports the transition, as well. She is a part of a government coalition creating possible gambling policies.

The political coalition has come together to agree on several points. In addition to a desire to move away from the monopoly, they admit that digital gaming is taking over, but that a sole operator is hindering growth. As a result, more consumers are playing through offshore sites, and Finland isn’t receiving any financial benefits.

Finland’s Ministry of the Interior could weigh in on the review sometime this month.
