taz really,thats your name?i love that name it was my late aunts name too.i was very close to her.well i see this as a very good sign for me with my love for saint teresa and the name.god its so nice to meet both you and carey and know that we share a common bond.its very hard for me too talk about certain personal things.i have alot of questions but i never ask anyone for fear they will think i am stupid.i can't ask mom she is old school and these are subjects that they never talked about.i just keep trying to find answers on the internet in hopes of finding the answers i need to my question.jake is the only one i can really talk too but he says i need to talk to another female as his answers can only be half of the question.he suggested my obgyni did but she put the fear of god in me.now i don't know what to think about certain things and until i can really find the answers i guess i am stuck in limbo.but i am sure going to try to find what i need to help me go forward and get past this mile stone i am stuck at.carey and taz,my mom says bless you both for being such sweet and loving people.she feels its good for me to have someone to talk too.thank you both.alea