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Anyone else having a hard time?

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Cash Diva

Lifetime Streaker
Dec 23, 2008
Hi guys,

I am pretty upset over here. I don't think I can play online anymore. The only way I can load my Netspend is to go directly to the store with cash, and that is a pain because the place i load at is about 20 min away. My bank flaged Netspend as a "gaming site" and I can't load to QT either.
I have run out of options and i am NOT a happy camper about it.
I guess I will have to stick to the land casinos, and very rarely play on a loaded netspend.
I'm sorry, I know how hard the ladies of the Streak work to help us out, and please believe me I am NOT trying to be rude. I am more pissed at my bank than anything.
I don't like being told what I can and can not do with MY money.
Thanks for letting me come and vent.
Is any one else having these types of problems? It would be nice to know I'm not out in the cold. LOL

Have a nice night Streakers!



Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Have you checked out any of the new options that many of the casinos are offering. It may be worthwhile to at least check them out.



Express payment


These are all listed at iNetBet Casino. Check them out or google them or something Netspend is only one option hon.



Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I am sure there are more hon. It might take a little research but hopefully you will find something! Good luck to you. I am fortunate that my bank allows deposits to certain places still. :clap


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I totally understand your frustration Cash Diva. But as Judy said, there are so many options out there and the casinos are working diligently to have new ones to offer especially for us folks in the US. I believe Intertops is working on a great one and will be realeased very soon, it will be a lot like neteller. So hang in there!!:clap


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
I have to load my wired plastic at the western union, but I can use it to fund quicktender... that's the easiest method I've found. I used to be able to load netspend from my bank card, but I got "carded" one night, had to answer some security questions and couldn't understand the person speaking (his accent) and now can't use netspend to do that unless I get a new one...
