When we used to go to the casino regularly, we mostly played video poker. There was this mother and son who were there all the time and they used to play one machine together. They would never bet above one quarter at a time and one would play and the other would stand behind them. They would take turns but they fought all the way through playing. I can still hear her "Robert you should have held the queen" or some such thing. They were loud and obnoxious the whole time. One time he accidentaly bet two quarters and I swear they almost called a floor manager over to try to get it back. roflmao. I am not knocking them betting a quarter at a time(that's their business) but man having to listen to them for hours at a time drove us nuts. It didn't even matter if you weren't sitting right next to them, you could be any where down the line, and you could hear them loud and clear.
I have alot of stories, since we used to go all the time. Now since playing online we might go once a year, if that. I can't say I miss the people down there. Too many were way to rude.