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American Idol!

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
:swingok call me crazy but i thoroughly enjoyed the show. and KISS still can bring it. :cheeradam was a good fit with them. shame he didn't win, but no doubt he will be on the charts. :helloi remember awhile back when Elton John was in the spotlight due to his sexuality, but he fought back, and actually, why is it an issue? i don't have to sleep with him! ;)


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
CasinoS, I didn't say I didn't enjoy the show, I just said that these entertainers had their heydays and compared to "the way they were" to now, it was entertaining, for sure, but not what I remembered they used to be. As far as Elton John, I don't remember anything about his "sexuality", but I'm sure it happened as you said. Not sure why you made that comparison when mentioning Adam. All I mentioned was Adam had mass appeal to both men and women, young and old (which was why I referred to him as a "gender bender", so maybe I used the wrong term), I wasn't referring in any way to any "sexuality" with him. Why would anyone? Either way, I still liked Adam better then Kris with regards to raw talent and freshness, but wish them both the best. Now, it's back to Lawrence Welk on PTV for me.

