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A request for clarification, please?

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
(I'm a little disappointed about the screenshot part of the contest... "best win, not most won" was a little vague and I had no idea that meant that sending in my bonus game screenshot meant that I "was not following the directions" and would be disqualified?? I guess I just didn't understand what "best win" meant... I thought my bonus game win was pretty good, personally, lol.)

I agree because I thought that particular rule was meant to keep the playing field even. Keeping the high rollers, per say...from winning all the prizes.

Let's just say that I was betting 3.00 per spin and Vixen (using her as an example) was betting 30 cents a spin and we both got the same result on a spin....then it might be seen that I had a better screen shot just because I bet more than Vixen.

That rule was particularly vague and I respectfully request that such rules be made clearer in the future to avoid such disappointments.

I am happy with my win in the other part of the contest; but I just felt this needed to be addressed in everyone's best interests.

Thanks again Streak & Intertops for the contest....and thanks for listening to my opinion. :eek:


Senior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Yeah, that was how I took the rule, too. I thought when it said "best win, not most won", that meant best return based upon the amount bet; I certainly never dreamed that it was meant to be interpreted as "best single line win, excluding bonus games." So I sent in a screenshot of the Global Adventure Bonus where I had unlocked all the fragments and won the Secret of the Sword bonus, thinking surely this must qualify as a "best win". So I was frankly shocked to find that I had been disqualified for "not following directions" when the only direction given was that this contest is for "best win". Had I known bonus wins didn't count, I would have been collecting completely different screenshots. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Streak and the people here, but I couldn't help feeling a bit slighted on this one.

But, as always, thanks to Intertops and The Streak for the great contests and also thank you to MotelPrisoner for asking that this be addressed.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Hello, streakers! Sorry, I didn't see this before....

If at anytime, there is uncertainty of contest rules, please ask before you enter. That way we can avoid any misunderstandings. There is no such thing as a stupid question here and We always appreciate feedback from you.


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Sorry about that, maybe we should have explained it a tad bit better. We thought you would all understand what we were saying because we have had these kind if screenshot contests many times during the the past 4 years and the rules have always been the same. Best line win no matter what the denomination was. My apologies to all that were confused and disappointed, that was not our intention.:eek:
