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Worth the read if you have young kids or gandkids!

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
I remember when I was 14 or 15 I knew one person on Ritalin!! Thinking back I think it was just lazy parenting (the case I'm speaking of_

Now it seems like the standard!!


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Love, Laughter and hope, Liz


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
I know there are some cases where the kids need medication but I see way too many where it is just a regular active child that they medicate. That is so sad.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Man, I had one of those hyperactive kids! He could not keep still, even when he slept he was either kicking his leg up and down or sitting on his hands and knees rocking himself. He would be sound asleep when he did these things. We all got so used to him that you could hear all night long someone saying half asleep "Stop it Alan, go back to sleep". LOL, pretty funny now that I think of it. It was me, his dad, his twin brother and his older brother and we would all be yelling, lol. We were so used to it I don't think we woke up or ever really thought anything about it. Get him on pills though?Wouldn't have even considered it.


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
Sometimes you really have to wonder about people. A few years back Phil's mother told us she met this woman. She said she thought we would really like her. So we had her and her son who she said had ADD over for dinner. Her son did something wrong (can't remember what it was something so petty) and she called him to her. She said "let momma give you some love" that's how she got him to come to her. When he came over instead of giving him a hug she hit him in the head. The poor kid was taking the medication when really the mother needed to be medicated. We threw her out and told his mother don't ever introduce us to anyone again. Anyways I really don't think the child needed to be medicated. Sometimes I think it is the parents who don't know how to parent that cause the problem. In no way am I saying that anyone that has a real problem shouldn't give a kid medicine but please exhaust all other possiblities.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I would guess that at least 25% (I want to say a higher number, but let's just use 25.) of all the kids on ritalin, don't have ADD or ADHD. They are normal, active kids who have impatient parents. Yep, it was cute when little Johnny jumped on the furniture when he was 3. Now that he's 13; it's not so cute...but he still thinks it's fun! Scream your head off Moms & Dads; it's far too late to fix him now!

I watched my sister let her kids do alot (I mean ALOT) of things we were never allowed to do. Jump on furniture & beds, run through the house chasing each other, racing through the rooms with the dog, slide down the bannisters, see how many stairs you can jump off before you get hurt...then when her 3 boys wouldn't behave after they became 7 or 8; they got ritalin cause they were ADHD! Ummmm HELLO!?!?!?! YOU made them that way! And all because we weren't allowed to have any fun when we were kids. Maybe we weren't allowed to have fun, but we could have just as well been labled hyperactive all the same. It's called being a kid! Boundless energy! Don't want to go to bed! Wanna play!

Personally, I think those medications screw the kids up worse than a little discapline would have.

zippedlipsok I shup now!

sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Man, I had one of those hyperactive kids! He could not keep still, even when he slept he was either kicking his leg up and down or sitting on his hands and knees rocking himself. He would be sound asleep when he did these things. We all got so used to him that you could hear all night long someone saying half asleep "Stop it Alan, go back to sleep". LOL, pretty funny now that I think of it. It was me, his dad, his twin brother and his older brother and we would all be yelling, lol. We were so used to it I don't think we woke up or ever really thought anything about it. Get him on pills though?Wouldn't have even considered it.

Are you sure his name wasn't Mark, it sounds just like him? :laugh


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Yep I agree with each one of you!!!!!

And missmichelle, what a sick woman she was. :hit

Really makes you wonder WHY some people have kids at all!!

Make it a Grateful day-

All good things, Liz

