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WHOA!!! Man Wakes After 21 Hours In Morgue Fridge

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
JOHANNESBURG (AP) - A South African health official says a man awoke to find himself in a morgue fridge, nearly a day after his family thought he had died.

Health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said Monday that the man awoke Sunday afternoon, 21 hours after his family called in an undertaker who sent him to the morgue after an asthma attack.

Kupelo says the man started yelling, prompting morgue workers to run away in fear. They eventually returned and removed him from the fridge. He was then taken to a nearby hospital and later discharged by doctors who deemed him stable. The mortuary owner says his family is very happy to have him home.

Kupelo urged South Africans to call on health officials to confirm that their relatives are really dead.



Newbie Streaker
Jul 9, 2011
LOL what a crazy story. He had an asthma attack, and they thought he was dead? Sounds like a very advanced health care system haha I can't believe the morgue workers ran away in fear while the poor man was alive in a freezer. But I guess it must have been pretty scary to hear those screams, I would have had a heart attack from fear if I was there :p Mental note: Don't get sick on a trip to South Africa :)
