Please just think before posting. Ask yourself if it is something you wouldn't mind your mom reading?
Judy, I think about my MoM sometimes before posting, then again she's known me 47 years :free < Uh Ya!
She knows
ALL MY WILD living stories. I filled her in the last cpl. years, just for laughs I told her some juicy tid-bits
like- rememeber the time I told you and dad, and remember that trip to Mexico? :sun did I tell you??
My sister heard some of them and she's giving me side way dirty looks- I'm like "What??" "JEALOUS???' I have packed a whole lot of living in!!
But see, I didn't go into details cause i'm thinking like this
More like trying to contain myself. My 30th reunion is tomorrow night. I'm either gonna meet some close friends at a pre-party and then go to the City and hang out somemore or see my friend Mark who'll be close by tonight. We've been buds since we were 14 and haven't seen him in 13 ish years.. AND shine tomorrow--- I forgot about the reunion when I signed up to voulenteer at << check it out!!!!
If I do that, I'll see groovy like minded people and "our band" CUBENSIS is closing the show
" She comes scheming thru rays of violet, she can wade in a drop of dew. She don't come and I don't follow, waits back stage while I sing to you"
SugarMagnolia- Grateful Dead
I'm starting to get excited.. I rolled outta bed, went into the salon and getting ready to wash this BODACIOUS (sp) BURGANDY colour out!!