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Watch Out Nevade, Jersey Is 1st In Line For Legal Online Gambling!!

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
Important news for the online gambling community in the state of New Jersey, it's reported that state senators
Whelan and Lesniak are expecting their legislation bill that is concerned with online gambling to be viewed in front of the Senate to undergo the voting on the 31st of May 2012.

This legislation bill has been going smoothly through procedures, as it has passed the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee in the beginning of May.
Despite that, the legislation bill is not living up to Lesniak’s expectations as he was aiming and predicting that this bill would be approved and issued by both legislative authorities by April.
So his new hopes that the implementation of this bill after approval would be done by the upcoming fall.

The state’s senates who are behind the bill, Jim Whelan and Ray Lesniak have been taking all elements into consideration when selecting the timing for the vote.
They have taken in mind the holidays and the absence of some of the state’s senates and politicians in order to make sure that the supportive senates,
the Democrats, will be existent at the vote. So they can guarantee the maximum support for their bill that they can get.

Another thing that will surely change some votes of the law makers, a thing that Jim Whelan and Ray Lesniak didn’t have in mind, the Dept. of Justice reverse definition and stand on online gambling.

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