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US Supreme Court refuses challenge to Seminole Tribe online sports betting compact

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Jan 17, 2008
Source - GamingAmerica'

This comes as another blow to the opponents of the compact.
The US Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the agreement that gave the Seminole Tribe in Florida exclusive
rights to operate online Sports Betting in the state.

A compact was signed three years ago between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Seminole Tribe of Florida, allowing the
Tribe to have exclusive casino and Sports Betting operating rights on reservations.

The Tribe was permitted to offer online Sports Betting back in November 2021, though it had done so without too much noise,
given legal challenges to a ruling that supposedly legalized online betting in Florida.

And back in November of last year, the Tribe relaunched a limited version of its Florida Sports Betting app,
despite two ongoing court cases against the app's legitimacy.

This news comes as the latest setback for opponents, after the Florida Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the
Seminole Tribe in March; when it was judged that the wrong petition type had been filed against the Tribe’s online Sports Betting compact.

In the challenge, the companies said the compact gives the Seminole Tribe a Sports Betting monopoly in the state,
also questioning whether online sports bets that can be placed from any location can actually be considered to be on Tribal land.

Attorneys have said Sports Betting is different from casino gaming and so isn’t prohibited by the state constitutional
amendment when it comes to expanding casino gambling outside of Tribal land.
