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US Subcommittee to Hold Online Poker Hearing

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Jan 8, 2008
October 24 - This week will see the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade in the US House of Representatives hold a special hearing that will examine the legalization and regulation of online gambling, including online poker, in the United States.

Texas representative, Joe Barton, a member of the subcommittee and mastermind behind the proposed Internet Gambling Prohibition, Poker Consumer Protection and Strengthening UIGEA Act of 2011 (HR 2366) applauded the US online poker hearing and said that it was the first step in ensuring the introduction of suitable legislation in the United States.

"I am pleased that Chairman Mary Bono-Mack is holding a hearing on the important issue of internet gaming," he said. "It's a first step to showing why the current law is a lose/lose for everyone - the public, the taxpayer, the banking industry, and the people who want to play poker openly and honestly on the internet."

Barton added that he looked forward to an open exchange of ideas.

The hearing is set to examine the issue of online gambling legislation as a whole, and will not only focus on internet poker.

Entitled "Internet Gaming: Is there a Safe Bet?", the hearing is seen as a significant first step to kick start the online poker debate in the US after a quiet few months brought on by the summer vacations.

online poker Bill has an Uphill Battle
There are no assurances that even if Barton's HR 2366 moves out of the subcommittee that it will advance any further.

The House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor of Virginia could be the bill's biggest hurdle when it reaches a House of Representatives vote, despite the fact that it has bipartisan support.

Republicans who support HR 2366 include John Campbell (California) and Peter King of New York, while Democrats include Nevada's Shelly Berkley, Tennessee's Steve Cohen and Mike Honda and Linda Sanchez, both of California.

Top names in the industry will be on hand to offer their support for Barton's proposed bill during the hearing on Tuesday.

Alfonse D'Amato, chairman of the Poker Player Alliance, will be acting as a witness after being invited to do so, and PPA members have been asked to send in their support for the bill.

Read entire article here.
