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True story about true stupidity!!!!

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
From a friend I went to Jr. High with, Gary's a fireman here in L.A.

I just got off work this morning, a long night of strong winds , down, electrical wires down and LAME ASS PEOPLE, i had a lady holding her baby come up to me (while high powered wires are down and very dangerous and on fire) stand right underneath wires that were unstable, just to ask me whats going on? and of coarse in my polite manner I told her WHATS GOING ON IS YOUR ABOUT TO GET YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILD KILLED!!I



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
I asked him if he really said it or just thought it. He said "Liz, you doubt I would say that?" Don't you remember- I've had a lifelong problem with my mouth! I'm not alone there! He was one of the FoX's in 8th and 9th grade!

Now he's all grown into a beautiful MAN! :chrsmnstr


P.S. anyone use or remember " He/She's a TOTAL FOX!"

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Hehe, when I was still a smoker (about 8 years or so ago) there was a motel right behind my house and some of their bushes were there. I was outside doing something (and of course I always had a lit cigarette in my hand) I happened to see the Chief of Police by the side of the Motel and since I know him real well I decided to walk back there and see what was going on. I got about to the back side of my house when he spots me and yells at me to get that go$%mned cigarette out of there. Come to find out he was back there because the Motel people had been digging and hit and broke a gas line (OOPS!)
