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'Tis the Season

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
A couple was Christmas shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve and the mall was packed.

Walking through the mall the surprised wife look up and noticed her husband was no where around and she was very upset because they had a lot to do.

She used her cell phone to call her husband because she was so upset, to ask him where he was.

... The husband in a calm voice said, honey remember the jewelry store we went into 5 years ago where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you that I would get it for you one day.

His wife said crying, yes I remember that jewelry store.

He said, well I'm in the bar next to it.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 21, 2009

Gonna have to get you for that one, Judy!

My eyes started to water up as I read it................ then, I got to the last line!

As Sheldon Cooper says on "The Big Bang Theory"....... BAZINGA!!!!!

