I've never been that far ahead on an
RTG chip to have it happen to me. I'd be upset solely because the rhythm of your play was disturbed, forcing you to quit immediately instead of playing till you were satisfied. Even
Rival lets you play till you decide to quit...
Honestly that's why I always get kind of edgy when I play a free chip at all. I don't know if I could handle the emotion of hitting a random and then not really winning it... that's why I like the ones that let me play video poker so I can choose the low bet, make the playthrough and not worry about a huge win. Cashout and try again.
Razor: looked up the definition of glitch, hope this helps:
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Slang .
–noun 1. a defect or malfunction in a machine or plan.
Computers . any error, malfunction, or problem.
Compare to the word bug.