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The curses of smoking

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Mar 27, 2010
I smoke and always hear from my loved ones to stop before you kill yourself. Well let me tell you a little story,

My one grandma died at 67 of natural causes. She was the most healthy woman alive. A very strict christian who ate health foods her whole life, never drinking smoking or doing anything bad. My other grandma from the hills of Kentucky was a hell raiser who chewed tobacco, drank heavily and smoked masses amounts of cigars and cigarettes ( made her own moonshine) ate nothing but fried foods and if it wasn't cooked in lard or fat back it was unfit to eat. She died 2 days shy of her 100th bday. So, honestly I do get tired of all the hoopla about smokers vs non smokers you hear about.

Maybe it has something to do with roots in Kentucky. I have a strong heritage of German, Russian and Irish. Do not ask me how this happened but I figure my great great grandfather made a few trips across the boarder for his adulterous wiles. Bad Bad Papaw! Well anyhoo the mixes of blood culture has suited me well over my days. Yes I admit I have hillbilly flowing through my veins. Have the ability to speak a lil hillbilly has gotten me out of more than one scrape in my life.


Mar 27, 2010
and for those of you with a little hillbilly in ya like me this is more explanatory...

ah smoke an' allus hear fum mah loved ones t'stop befo'e yo' kill yo'seff. Wal let me tell yo' a li'l sto'y,

Mah one gran'ma died at 67 of natural cuzs. She was the dawgoned-est healthy woomin alive. A mighty strick christian who ett health grubs her whole life, nevah six packin' smokin' o' doin' ennythin' bad, cuss it all t' tarnation. Mah other gran'ma fum th' hills of Kentucky was a hell raizzu who chewed tobaccy, drank heavily an' smoked masses amounts of cigars an' cigarettes ( made her own moonshine) ett nothin' but fried grubs an' eff'n it warn't cooked in lard o' fat back it was unfit t'eat. She died 2 days shy of her 100th bday. So, honestly ah do git tired of all th' hoopla about smokers vs non smokers yo' hear about.

Mebbe it has sumpin t'do wif roots in Kentucky. ah have a strong heritage of German, Russian an' Irish. Do not ax me how this hyar happened but ah figger mah great great gran'Pappy made a few trips acrost th' boarder fo' his adulterous wiles. Bad Bad Papaw! Fry mah hide! Wal ennyhoo th' mixes of blood culture has sueyted me fine on over mah days. Yessuh ah admit ah have hillbilly flowin' through mah veins. Have th' ability t'speak a lil hillbilly has gotten me outta mo'e than one scrape in mah life.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I hear you Coffee but...
I have to close friends to me that have died of lung cancer and both were heavy smokers ...their deaths were painful and sad.
Their kids were left without daddies and a grandad .
Just sayin
I know smokers HATE hearing that , as a former smoker myself ..I get it .
A few years ago I came down with double pneumonia and almost died . I couldn't breathe never the less smoke and went thru the withdraws while I was the sickest so it didnt bother me as much as it would have .Quitting is HARD .
That was over 6 years ago now and the best thing that could have happened to me for my health and my wallet !
To each their own but quitting smoking only does positive things for a person :]
I NEVER thought I would quit .
I don't think eiher that people that smoke [ I know I DIDNT] KNOW WHAT THE SMELL LIKE TO PEOPLE THAT DONT SMOKE . OMG when I stared getting those sesnses back I was mortified . It;s awful .
Okay I am shutting up now .
Oh wait one more thing...If you [ not you you lol] smoke and cry poor mouth ..NOONE WANTS TO HEAR IT !


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I agree Silkprint, there are so many ways that smoking is bad for you. I am a smoker for 28 years, its sooooo hard to quit!!!! But its so unhealthy to smoke. Some poeple get lucky and dont get any illnesses from smoking but MANY do and not just lung cancer, there are so many other things that smoking causing! :stress


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
My mom died of lung cancer when she was in her early 60s. Smoking is so addictive that she made them take her outside in her wheelchair to have a cigarette up to the time she could no longer get out of her hospital bed. I am so thankful I was able to quit. I always said I liked to smoke and would never quit. (until I quit!) :think


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I am so thankful I was able to quit. I always said I liked to smoke and would never quit. (until I quit!) :think

Thats awesome that you quit Judy!!! Way to go!! Its one of the hardest things you will ever do! :)HG



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
LOL I know right Judy!! I never thought I would either Judy until I did and was too sick to care aboiut smoking and was already thru the worst of it ..
WTG Chickie!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I will say in all fairness though that some people get lung cancer who never smoked ..like poor Christopher Reeves wife ..that was so sad . And a man I used to work with ..his wife died in her 40's with it and she never smoked either .


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
That is very true Silky, My grandmother got lung cancer and she never smoked a day in her life and always ate healthy and took great care of herself! Cancer has no favorites, the bastard takes anyone!!


Pro Streaker
Mar 8, 2011
I quit too. After about 20 years, and after that I survived to open heart surgeries. Don't think smoking had anything to do with my damaged heart valve though. But my dad passed of emphysema in 2002 and I vowed to stop, because his death was so sad and unforgettable. He died at home per his wishes and it was not a pretty sight.


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
I'm a smoker. I wish it were not so dirty as the ashes and smell linger. I know of the potentiality of serious illness. But I was just as at risk from being overweight. The weight is completely under control now and the smoking vice continues. I will say it's an adult choice. It is a legal choice, as I am over 18 and it is sold everywhere. It is my choice. And I'm really kind of sick of the anti smoking crowd who love to spend the tax dollars generated from tobacco sales while condemning those of us who pay the taxes. (not speaking of anyone here)

Now for those who missed this article... here's some great news to get the antismokers off your back.... I used to remind them that being overweight was as bad as smoking... and now it seems that SITTING is just as hard on the body as smoking!

Sitting at a desk all day is 'as bad for health as smoking

Read more: Sitting at a desk all day is 'as bad for health as smoking' | Mail Online

Sitting down for extended periods poses a health risk as "insidious" as smoking or over-exposure to the sun, a scientist claims.
Millions of workers who sit at desks for hours on end before going home to sit in front of the TV are increasing their chances of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, says Professor Marc Hamilton of the University of Missouri.
Writing in the November issue of the medical journal Diabetes, he said: "The dire concern for the future may rest with growing numbers unaware of the potential insidious dangers of sitting too much....

Read more: Sitting at a desk all day is 'as bad for health as smoking' | Mail Online


Pro Streaker
Mar 8, 2011
I can believe that about sitting all day, I have pull muscles gotten infections and carpal tunnel and all sorts of things sitting down at a desk job for hours on end. Some of my heart disease probably came from that too, from the stress of it all.

I used to be upset with people when I used to smoke and people would cough when they walked by or fanned the smokes away and all that good stuff. Now I guess I am a traitor because now I am like them and I wish oh how I wish they would ban smoking in our casinos here. I love casinos but have to either leave when the smoke is too bad or stick it out with a mask or just don't go at all with my heart disease. That is the reason I started playing at online casinos.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I do not condemn smokers but I have to agree with you smartone. I personally am on oxygen and can not go to the casinos because they allow smoking. I used to be a smoker but I have to say smoking smells, costs an arm and a leg and kills people, no matter how many arguments a smoker can come up with their is absolutely nothing that is GOOD about smoking. Even second hand smoke is known to cause death.

Sorry labell, not trying to argue with you, I just am very passionate about smoking anymore and wish that my grandkids and future great grandkids would be able to live in a smoke free world. :)HG


Mar 27, 2010
I am in no way praising smoking or smokers , it is a nasty habit for sure. But I do smoke and enjoy it. Will it cause me health issues in the future? Maybe or maybe not. I do not smoke around others and never smoke in my home so I guess its all on me :)


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
You are right hon, it is totally your choice. No way am I looking down my nose on smokers. I smoked for 25 years and when I quit I was up to over 2 packs a day (closer to 3 packs a day) I quit 9 years ago and am thankful every day. I really do not know anyone that says, Damn, I wish I had not quit!:think


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Yes you do, Judy! All of us fools who go back to smoking after we quit!

I have quit several times, only to go back because it somehow makes me feel mentally better about all the pain I am in from RA everyday. For whatever reason it helps me cope with the depression that accompanies severe chronic pain.

I know it's gonna kill me (if the RA doesn't get me first) and it stinks up me, my house and my clothes. I am constantly cleaning nicotine from my walls and cabinets. I am probably killing my 5 kitties with second hand smoke.

All of this and I STILL smoke! The mental cravings FAR outweigh the physical cravings for me. Funny thing is...when I am hospitalized for chronic pain and they are giving decent painkillers; I refuse the nicotine patch they offer because I just don't need it! If they could come up with a way to keep me pain free at home; I would quit forever in a heartbeat.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
I hear you MP. If I had been going through then what I am going through now, I don't think I would have been able to quit. Hang in there, it will happen one day! :clap


Lifetime Streaker
Dec 8, 2008
Unfortunately Phil and I both smoke. I try to be considerate to non-smokers but it really irks me when I have someone bitching me out about smoking. They won't ban it because they make too much money off of us smokers. It is still legal but they act like you are a criminal for smoking. I remember when my oldest daughter came home from school and told me they said I was a junkie for smoking. They lumped it right in there with weed, meth, coke and all the other drugs. I told my daughter that it was legal and you couldn't compare it with the illegal drugs. Would I like to be able to quit? Sure I would, but with all the stress I live with I doubt it will happen. When they try to tell you that you can't smoke in your own home that is bullshit. Ban it or lay off. We all really need to be considerate of eachother. We would get alot farther that way.


Senior Streaker
Mar 4, 2009
Gawd now i am homesick!! One hillbilly to anutha.

As fer the smokin I jus had heart n lung tests, Doc said i have the heart of a 20 yr ole and the lungs of a non smoker. I am 49 and bin smokin fer now on 33 years! pac a day!
