Lifetime Streaker
- Joined
- Feb 25, 2008
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Now what?? Schools are leaving the decission up to parents as to whether or not to send our children, they do not tell you what schools these children are in ughh. I can only hope the local government keeps an eye on this...
One person from Albany County and two from Schenectady County are suspected victims of swine flu as the new influenza strain moves across the state.
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<!--flv has invalid value--><!--MME--> <META http-equiv=expires content=0></META><META http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache></META><SCRIPT language=VBScript>on error resume nextSet oFlashPlayer = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & nRequiredVersion)If IsObject(oFlashPlayer) ThenbIsRightVersion = TrueEnd IfIf (Not bIsRightVersion) And (nRequiredVersion < 3) ThenSet oFlashPlayer = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")If IsObject(oFlashPlayer) ThenbIsRightVersion = TrueEnd IfEnd If</SCRIPT><OBJECT id=idSWFMOT1238106069992 codeBase=HTTP://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab height=250 width=300 classid=clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>
<embed quality="high" salign="LT" loop="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspace="HTTP://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" base="HTTP://spe.atdmt.com/ds/F5CPAMOTTMOT/" wmode="opaque" src="HTTP://spe.atdmt.com/ds/F5CPAMOTTMOT/MOTT_PaintBrush_300x250.swf?ver=1&clickTag1=http://clk.atdmt.com/go/143594877/direct;vt.1;ai.107224518;ct.1/01&clickTag=http://clk.atdmt.com/go/143594877/direct;vt.1;ai.107224518;ct.1/01" width="300" height="250" /></OBJECT></TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Officials from both counties said Wednesday they sent specimens to the state's Wadsworth laboratory for testing. The sick Albany County resident had traveled to an area with confirmed cases; Schenectady County's health department would not release details about its two patients.
State Health Commissioner Dr. Richard Daines said the state is investigating 75 suspected cases, but he would not say what counties the individuals are from until tests confirm presence of the swine flu virus.
The state tested 21 samples Tuesday and found three probable cases one each from Cortland, Orange and Suffolk counties. It's the first time people have tested positive for swine flu outside a group directly connected with an outbreak at a Catholic high school in Queens. The three new cases increase the number in New York to 54, the most swine flu cases of all the states.
A person with flu-like symptoms must have traveled in an infected area, such as Mexico or Queens, or been near someone who has traveled to an infected area, in order to be considered for testing.
Nationwide cases of swine flu, which is a combination of pig, bird and human influenza strains, are growing daily as the contagious illness spreads. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 91 cases have been confirmed.
Daines said six of the 21 cases tested Tuesday came up positive for regular flu perhaps a sign that known strains of influenza are still more common than the swine flu that is causing deaths in Mexico. New York regular flu season stretches into May.
"At this time of year the odds are, with what we were seeing with our tests yesterday, this may well be the seasonal influenza rather than our new variant," Daines said at a news conference Wednesday at the Capitol.
The first U.S. fatality from swine flu occurred this week. The victim was a 22-month-old Mexican boy who was visiting relatives in Texas. But what many forget, Daines said, is that seasonal flu in the United States has proved more deadly over the years. New York already has recorded seven pediatric deaths from regular flu this season.
Federal and state governments are responding vigilantly to swine flu, Daines said, because without a vaccine for this strain there would be no way to protect healthy people if the disease cripples a large part of the population. It will take until later this year to produce the vaccine.
Around the Capital Region, schools are preparing for a possible outbreak. Most local schools have updated their Web sites with information about the virus. In Saratoga Springs, administrators are educating parents and students about staying healthy
One person from Albany County and two from Schenectady County are suspected victims of swine flu as the new influenza strain moves across the state.
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<embed quality="high" salign="LT" loop="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspace="HTTP://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" base="HTTP://spe.atdmt.com/ds/F5CPAMOTTMOT/" wmode="opaque" src="HTTP://spe.atdmt.com/ds/F5CPAMOTTMOT/MOTT_PaintBrush_300x250.swf?ver=1&clickTag1=http://clk.atdmt.com/go/143594877/direct;vt.1;ai.107224518;ct.1/01&clickTag=http://clk.atdmt.com/go/143594877/direct;vt.1;ai.107224518;ct.1/01" width="300" height="250" /></OBJECT></TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Officials from both counties said Wednesday they sent specimens to the state's Wadsworth laboratory for testing. The sick Albany County resident had traveled to an area with confirmed cases; Schenectady County's health department would not release details about its two patients.
State Health Commissioner Dr. Richard Daines said the state is investigating 75 suspected cases, but he would not say what counties the individuals are from until tests confirm presence of the swine flu virus.
The state tested 21 samples Tuesday and found three probable cases one each from Cortland, Orange and Suffolk counties. It's the first time people have tested positive for swine flu outside a group directly connected with an outbreak at a Catholic high school in Queens. The three new cases increase the number in New York to 54, the most swine flu cases of all the states.
A person with flu-like symptoms must have traveled in an infected area, such as Mexico or Queens, or been near someone who has traveled to an infected area, in order to be considered for testing.
Nationwide cases of swine flu, which is a combination of pig, bird and human influenza strains, are growing daily as the contagious illness spreads. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 91 cases have been confirmed.
Daines said six of the 21 cases tested Tuesday came up positive for regular flu perhaps a sign that known strains of influenza are still more common than the swine flu that is causing deaths in Mexico. New York regular flu season stretches into May.
"At this time of year the odds are, with what we were seeing with our tests yesterday, this may well be the seasonal influenza rather than our new variant," Daines said at a news conference Wednesday at the Capitol.
The first U.S. fatality from swine flu occurred this week. The victim was a 22-month-old Mexican boy who was visiting relatives in Texas. But what many forget, Daines said, is that seasonal flu in the United States has proved more deadly over the years. New York already has recorded seven pediatric deaths from regular flu this season.
Federal and state governments are responding vigilantly to swine flu, Daines said, because without a vaccine for this strain there would be no way to protect healthy people if the disease cripples a large part of the population. It will take until later this year to produce the vaccine.
Around the Capital Region, schools are preparing for a possible outbreak. Most local schools have updated their Web sites with information about the virus. In Saratoga Springs, administrators are educating parents and students about staying healthy