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Survivor Fans!

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Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
ok survivor fans, its that time again!! 1st week in, what do you think so far?
I love it when they bring back past people :)



Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
I think maybe I should start watching this. I love reality shows but never got into the survivor thing. Maybe I should try....:beers


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
it's one of my favorite reality shows, and very addicting, lol



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I'm the other way around Carey. I hate reality shows but I like survivor. Now if they put Si from duck dynasty on survivor then we would larn sumpin.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
I don't watch this either so cannot make a call on the winner...lol NOW I do watch Shamless.... hahaha that should be called best Redneck survivor!!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
I havent heard of Shamless, I'll have to look for it!



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Now I've been watching Survivor since Borneo which was the very first one, where Richard Hatch won you remember the guy who walked around naked and didn't pay his taxes on his win so he went to prison lol (frigging idiot) Anyway, yes i to am watching this season as every other season, Let me give you the lowdown on my opinion only the upfront players, not the ones flying under the radar.

Matt: the redneck sorta guy with the red beard and stuff in his face, he had better make a choice where he wants to be, or he will get the boot..

Reynold: pretty hot, but to pretty for survivor he will go before merge.

Shamar: The Marine, he might piss off enough people to not get voted out, people should be thinking about taking him to the end, he will not get the votes, as so far he does nothing but sleep in the shelter, and brag about being a Marine, yea thanks for that, but do you think you could step up to plate and gather so frigging wood ughhh.

Cochran: I can't beleive he came back, they might keep him around for chits and giggles.

Malcolm: He is my favorite to win, I love this guy, he plays a good game, reminds me alot of Ozzie..

Phillip: Oh boy what can you say about Phillip, I personally like him, I could live w/o the Pink underware, but if you can get by his crazy, you might see his plans are pretty good, and he tends to keep the focus off others, I think they will keep him around if nothing else to not be so bored all the time....

Brandon: He will be gone also before the merge, he is carrying around his cup of crazy also, but it's a scarey crazy, tribe doesn't need that, he was acutally talking about peeing in the rice and water and setting the shelter on fire, he must go...

Dawn: Everyones favorite Mormon with a basketball team for children, she is wayyyy to nice for this game, she cries at everything not good not good at all, it's only the beginning of the game, and she looks like she has been there for 30 days already. Love her but this game is not for her.

So there you have, thinking I'll come back for more observations in a week or so, still need to see alot of these people start playing the game.....



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
They already have a redneck survivor show Vixen. Its called redneck island and hosted by Steve Austin. Their main priority seems to be not running out of beer.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
HAHAHA, I was thinking the same thing twobears. I hate to admit it but I have watched it many times. :think


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
Thanks titanic, I also love malcolm!!! I liked Ozzie too!!

I think you did an awesome job on the lowdown so far, lol
I'll look forward to your thoughts throughout the show :)



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Well here we are week blah blah blah... Don't know where to start with the crazy..

Brandon: Thank gawd he is gone, he did however did not go down quietly, dumping the rice was a poor sportsman move if I ever saw one. The way he attacked Phillup was hard to watch, don't think i could have held my tongue points for Phillup. Good bye Brandon, now go take your meds and never more come back to Survivor.

Dawn: OMG this women is sad sad sad, I do not like her, now i know I will get a few boo's on that one, but don't like her at all.

Phillip; He is growing on me, the way he handled Brandon was impressive to say the least, he surely has his moments, but i've seen much worse, and he finally put on some shorts, which is all i needed to put him in my top 3 slot for the win. People seem to enjoy him, he keeps the camp chatting and laughing with some of his statements, but all around he seems like a good guy..

Malcolm: Yup, still my fav for the win, he better however step up his social game, he seems to layback when there is conflict, and as a fan of Survivor I love conflict and don't enjoy the mice who just stand and watch. Step up Malcolm your losing me man.

Shamar; yea ummm BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, my gawd were you really a marine????? seems questionable, and i'm not referring to your eye (that was medical and necessary to be pulled) but you as a person you are a brat, glad your gone, however i would have kept you around like Boson Rob did with phillip, you would have never gotten the votes from the Jury.... what have been a sure win for the one sitting next to you.

Well there you have it again folks, the others i didn't mention don't feel hey need mentioning as i don't really see them playing the game yet, and you know they will go soon, the fly under radar, and it looks lke there is going to be a mix up next week of tribes, let's see if the improve....

Till next time


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
once again, thanks for your input kandy. I to am soooo glad brandon is gone, OMG he was unreal last night!
I find phillip very annoying, but like you said, he handled brandon crap very well!

Dawn is a cry baby and need to go home!!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
ok so who's watching, lol

1st time in all the yrs of watching it made me cry, lmaoooooo
only 1 more show left this season!!



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
You almost cried because of family visit right Dani??

Ok, time for my review again, we are almost done, I must say this has been one of my favorites, lots of blindsides, and as much as i didn't want to see some go, the players who voted them out were smart, ie getting rid of Malcom was huge, I do however like how he got the tribe to make the new name his moms name spelled backwards loved ittttttttttttt.

Brenda: I'm a little disappointed that they booted her tonight after giving them all family time, and giving up hers, they could have waited one more challenge. Cold move on their part, and especially Dawn didn't know she had it in her, Brenda should have left her teeth on the bottom of the lake. Brenda did have to go but not yet.

Dawn: Wow her making it this far I did not see coming, she has cried the whole season, and has done nothing, won nothing, Brenda gave her that immunity and she still voted her out. I do not think she will win, she may however make it to the final 3, but if she wins, I will not be pleased, she is a floater and doesn't make descissions for herself.

Eric: He might win but I doubt it, another one I don't know how he made it this far, he has been all over the place in terms of alliances, and the jury will not forget that.

Cochran: Here is my winner pick, he learned well from his first time on Survivor and I hope others see that. He is kinda a underdog, being a nerd and all, but he has played well. He has really outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted alot of people, he truly plays the game Survivor well. Good Luck Cochran.

Sherri: OMG why is she still here, if the camera didn't scan her every once in awhile you wouldn't know she is even on the show. I do not like her and she is soooooooooo not deserving, she has done nothing blah blah blah....

So I will see you all on Sunday night after the show. Kandy



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
What they did to Brenda night last was about as cold hearted as it gets. What a bunch of low lifes. At this point I am hoping Eddie wins. Poetic justice.


Staff member
Jan 17, 2008
yeah, I also was NOT happy with what they did you Brenda!! it was very cold and
a low blow!!! poor girl. yes they could have waited one more day!

I would have like to seen her win! I liked Cochran until last night! now I'm with you twobears,
I would like to see Eddie win!

Dawn a loser too, lol, I still cant get over what they did to Brenda.

