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Strike it Lucky

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Strike it Lucky

Strike it Lucky is a 20 - line, 5 - reel slot with a progressive jackpot that you will come across at Jackpot Joy. This slot game is filled with watermelons, cherries, lemons, bars and 7's.

In order to qualify for the Bonus Game, you must be betting the max on this slot. At the bottom of the slot game is a Strike it Lucky Bonus Trail. During your game every time you spin a bonus symbol, you will strike the screen to see what your bonus prize is and then you will move one spot closer to the bonus game.

When the Strike it Lucky bonus screen first opens you will be asked hom many hotspots you think you will encounter during the bonus game. Then the bonus game begins. At each monitor you will be asked to strike either the top, middle or bottom screen. Your choice determines if you get an arrow (receive a prize and move to the next bank of monitors), a hotspot (move to the next bank of monitors with no prize awarded) or a question (a true or false question is given. Answer correctly get a prize and move to the next bank of monitors, incorrectly and you receive a hotspot and move with no prize) If you manage to avoid all the hotspots in the Strike it Lucky Bonus game, you will win the progressive Jackpot.

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