Judy, we get our fair share here in Ohio, but thank heavens it's nothing like you get. What a blessing it is to work from home indeed, and what a blessing you are to us the streakers!! I didn't realize you're that close to the Canadian border.... brrrr lol... I'm about 50 miles north of KY, which is considered "the South" lol. So we're a bit more temporate here....
How do you walk around in foot deep snow, do you need special shoes or what? Don't think I have ever seen it that deep when I have been to the snowfields.
First, what are snowfields?
And here in the city, you can about walk anywhere in a foot of snow, you just better have your pants tucked into your boots or it gets inside and makes you colder. It makes you very tired to walk for long in it, as it's such an effort to lift your feet high.... I try to wait until my hubby walks out first then follow in his steps. When we do get that much snow here, we usually try to clear the walks and driveway more than once, otherwise it would be overwhelming... We'll shovel at each few inches if we can, and lay salt to help it melt
In the country it's much harder walking of course. As having the ground be uneven can make for perilous footsteps.... Thankfully I live in the city, and we don't go to my inlaws when it's really bad out....