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Setting up house in Los Angeles

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Here in EarthQuake central. This morning at about 4am I'm just hitting a good sleep when mother nature comes rolling thru. Oh NO! I have one foot on the floor and one still slightly on the bed. This is the crucial moment when you wait to see how hard and or long it's gonna go. Luckily, we just did a little shift.

I open my door to see if any of the distant appartment dwellers lights on, nope. I have a cig, go back to sleep and remind myself... 1. I NEED a pair of shoes/sandles by my bed, door, etc. I NEED a CPL. Flashlights same same. I NEED to stash a CPL. days worth of meds in my car! And WATER!!!

And then I had to rethink my whole plan of where my new bed was going (when I get it ). Not where it was going!! Those windows blew and shook like paper, they'd blow in an instant and it's farther from my door and stairway down to the parking lot. If and when cause it is a when and we are over due... I should be cool in the lot downstairs- unless the earth opens up and I stay away from the power polls. I think the earth opening, pavement rolling open would be the worse of those 2 alts.

I talked with my friend tonight, he didn't feel it. Lives in Burbank about 7 miles from me. I said "you heard, though?" Ya- it was a 4.2 he says "gotta be at least a 5 for me to feel" FRICKIN' CALIFORNIANS!!!!

Time to start spending time at the beach! Today was 85 and If I'm gonna go, I'd like to have some tan skin to go with LMAO! Ahhh what'd ya gonna do?

I Love this place! FAULTS and all..... :sleazysmile


Lifetime Streaker
Nov 8, 2008
oh man - glad you're ok! So hard to think through those plans even when we "know we should"....
I NEED a pair of shoes/sandles by my bed, door, etc. I NEED a CPL. Flashlights same same. I NEED to stash a CPL. days worth of meds in my car! And WATER!!!

EVERYONE everywhere ought to have a supply kit similar just in case - survival stuff for a few days in case of major disaster. We had a wind storm last fall, knocked out everyones power, some for two weeks.... those who had some basic supplies were a LOT more comfortable than the others... thank heavens it was more nuisance than dangerous.

No windows or shelves over your bed liz! And so glad you're ok!! And now I"m going to go check the freshness of the batteries in my supply kit!



Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Lizzie I could never live in area with Earthquakes, Tornados, Hurricanes, or any of those natural disasters!! They would make me a nervous wreck! I prefer to live here in NY where we only have to worry about muggings, shootings, robberies and terrorists crashing planes into our buildings! GG22GG22
