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Say a Prayer for Me, Would Ya?

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Some of you may know that around a year ago, I lost a significant amount of income due to loss of a client. I'm a self-employed tech writer/elearning flash developer and this loss of nearly $4,000/month with the addition of issues/responsibilities of inlaws we moved here from out-of-state caused a lot of hardship on us. Well, today, I just "bid" on a job that would be a possible contract award of $3,000 plus the possibility of continued work with a company that creates eLearning portals. It would be in addition to what I do now for a company in CA (from my home in ID) and this other company I'm bidding with is local to me. So, I put in the bid and am awaiting a response.

Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts for a positive response on this. It could be just what my family and I need to get us all back on track to a solid and bright future.




Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I have you and family in my thoughts and prayers dear friend.
Your such a great and angel of a person I am sure you will get it! God Bless and big hugs..red


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Awww krazy, we are your "family" here hon and you know we will be hoping for the best outcome for you and yours!!! :hug
