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Runner, Runner

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
It seems like just the other day I posted that they were making a movie about online gambling. Well, it's here and it's a bomb! Too bad.

But check out what one Celeb Blogger wrote about us online gamblers! Little do they know... :slotdude

I didn’t even know what this mess was about until I looked up the plot on Wikipedia just now. This crap is about the dangerous and thrilling world of ONLINE GAMBLING?! Online gambling! I knew an online gambler and dude’s skin was grey from barely ever going outside (like mine!) and he’d only go outside to buy his meals (aka beer, Top Ramen and Totino’s Pizza Rolls) for the week at Costco. If they turned that dude’s everyday life into a movie, it would probably be a better movie than Runner Runner as long as Justin Timberlake didn’t star in it.

Dlisted | Justin Timberlake?s Movie Career Is Still Going Well
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Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Damn, It looked so good in the previews! I will watch it anyway and form my own opinion!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2008
My friend who owns poker rooms in England consulted on this they showed him a different trailer then what the movie was actually about, once they finalized it he seen the real trailer of a man being fed to an alligator, he was so
pissed off but had signed a contract so nothing he could do. I heard it makes our industry look bad & they don't show the good none gangster brands like Streak Gaming who do all they can to make sure you have a good safe
gambling environment!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
My friend who owns poker rooms in England consulted on this they showed him a different trailer then what the movie was actually about, once they finalized it he seen the real trailer of a man being fed to an alligator, he was so
pissed off but had signed a contract so nothing he could do. I heard it makes our industry look bad & they don't show the good none gangster brands like Streak Gaming who do all they can to make sure you have a good safe
gambling environment!

That stinks! With publicity like this, no wonder legalizing online gaming is becoming a pipe dream! :tdown
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Newbie Streaker
Oct 15, 2013
It's always the same. On the one hand the audience enjoys watching this popcorn movie with Ben Affleck as sly offshore entrepreneur and discuss subjectively about gambling industry, on the other hand the government benefits the most from gambling taxes. Na, I will simply enjoy the movie for now.
