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Ruby Tuesdays At 32Red

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Earn Double Red Rubies every Tuesday with 32Red!

Each and every Tuesday, we will be giving away unlimited amounts of Red Ruby Rewards by offering all players the chance to get double, if not triple Rubies on selected games.

Take a look now to see the online casino games that qualify for Ruby Tuesday in May...

Ruby Tuesday: 20th May 2008
Game: Alley Cats Video Slot
Normal Red Ruby Awards: 1RR per 10 chip bet
Ruby Tuesday Award: 2 RR per 10 chip bet
Normal Club Rouge Ruby Awards: 2 RR per 10 chip bet
Ruby Tuesday Club Rouge Award: 4 RR per 10 chip bet

You’ll be bowled over by slick slot action and the hip alley cat team, in this brand new 5 reel, 9 payline bowling themed slot machine. Don’t throw a gutter ball and miss out on doubling your Red Rubies and slot fun on Tuesday 20th May.

Ruby Tuesday: 27th May 2008
Game: Sure Win Video Slot
Normal Red Ruby Awards: 1RR per 10 chip bet
Ruby Tuesday Award: 2 RR per 10 chip bet
Normal Club Rouge Ruby Awards: 2 RR per 10 chip bet
Ruby Tuesday Club Rouge Award: 4 RR per 10 chip bet

Horse racing themed slot action and double Ruby Rewards combine with Sure Win just in time for the Epsom Derby on the 6th of June. Spin those Sure Win reels on May 27th and double your Rubies and canter to a fortune with 32Red.

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