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Oregon Lottery hosts betting options for Olympic Games in Paris

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Jan 17, 2008
Source/Full Story - GamingAmerica'

The Lottery has provided Sports Betting since October 2019 and wagers on Olympics have only been offered twice before in that time.
The Oregon Lottery, through its DraftKings sportsbook feature, is now offering wagers to be placed on the Olympic Games being hosted
in Paris and begin July 26. Betting options range from the number of medals an athlete or country will win to whether a world record will be broken.

Some options include if one country will win all medals in a certain sport, which country will win the most gold medals and in
which sport a country will win its first gold medal.

Oregon Lottery debuted Sports Betting in October 2019 and since that time, wagers on Olympics have only been offered twice before.

“Because we’re in the off season for basketball and football, the summer months are typically slower for sports wagering.
We’re hoping to see a boost in interest thanks to US Olympic stars,” Oregon Lottery Sports Betting Products Manager Kerry Hemphill said.

A number of athletes competing in the 2024 Summer Olympic Games are from Oregon as well, including gymnast
Jade Carey, shot putter Ryan Crouser, fencer Magda Skarbonkiewicz and Canadian soccer players Jainine Beckie and Jessie Fleming.

In January 2022, DraftKings had announced it reached an agreement to become the official sportsbook provider of the Oregon Lottery.
4 DraftKings sportsbook replaced the Scoreboard app, including Scoreboard customers transferring their existing funds to the
DraftKings sportsbook app at that time.
