Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that you had to be born in the USA to become president?
I've been reading a lot on this matter... Here's what I understand.
There is more than one type of citizen... a Natural Born Citizen is born of two American citizens on US Soil. Sen. McCain was vetted because he was born on a US Base not IN the US, but was found by the Senate to be a Natural Born Citizen.
Mr. Obama has two problems that have been brought up about this, but none of them have been resolved.
His father, from Kenya and a British citizen at the time of Obama's birth, would have given him DUAL CITIZENSHIP. Which is strictly forbidden by our constitution because which country would hold his loyalty. So in reality he is ineligible to serve as President.
The second is that if he was not born in Hawaii his mother had to have been an adult for five years before he could get his citizenship from her... but she was only 4 years and therefore if he was born in Kenya he isn't even a US Citizen....
So had he been properly vetted he would not have been on the ballot at all. Because it is so not PC, and because the Courts have been hesitant to deal with this, the states have been individually enacting laws requiring long form birth certificates and certification of Natural Born Citizenship for 2012....
The issue of the birth certificate is that the one surfacing on the internet is a computer issued page, not the original long form, hand written certificate issued on the day of his birth. The media and others have smeared the reputation of people who want to see that birth certificate, naming them "birthers".
What a sad situation.
Oh and his Kenyan grandmother is on tape stating she was IN the hospital room at the time of the birth IN Kenya... his mother was too far along and the airlines had rules about not letting late term pregnant mothers fly.