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November May Provide Groundbreaking Gambling Decision In Maine

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Jan 8, 2008
Residents in the state of Maine have had to stand by and watch as their friends in neighboring states have bragged about their new casinos. In November, these residents will get to vote on a possible future casino in Oxford County, and a recent poll suggests the people of Maine are in favor of the measure.

Black Bear Entertainment has proposed to build a $165 million casino in Oxford County. In order to do so, the developer must first have their ballot initiative passed by voters in Maine, something that looks more likely in recent weeks.

MaineToday Media had a poll conducted to find out whether or not Maine residents are planning on supporting Question 1 on the November ballot. Fifty-two percent of those polled said they would vote in favor of the casino plan. Thirty-nine percent were opposed to the issue, but with several weeks left until the vote, these numbers could change.

Read entire article here.
