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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK? My 2 cents..We have many Hispanics here that are legal. They are a contributing hard working part of society. It isn't fair for those who come here and are Not legal and do not plan on becoming legal. They get hospital care, food stamps, money and places to live, many of the illegals are crimmanals and i am glad something is being done about it. If their legal..they have nothing to worry about.I don't see it as racial profiling..it is time for something to be done about all the illegals crossing in to Arizona! I lived in Phoenix for 10 yrs and the crime is mind boggeling. Mexico has strict laws with us but doesn't like it when we have them .My 2 cents.

Advocates vow challenges to Ariz. immigration law

AP – Edgar Rios, left, and Marcos Gonzalez, both of Phoenix, join hundreds of protesters as they rally at …
Slideshow:Immigration Reform Debate
Arizona Law Criticized as Racial Profiling ABC News
Arizona's Immigration Law Divides Country CBS 2 / KCAL 9 Los Angeles
By PAUL DAVENPORT and JONATHAN J. COOPER, Associated Press Writers – 21 mins ago
PHOENIX – Civil rights advocates vowed Saturday to challenge Arizona's tough new law targeting illegal immigration, saying it will lead to racial profiling of Hispanics despite the governor's assurance abuses won't be tolerated.
Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill that supporters said would take handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration in Arizona, the nation's busiest gateway for human and drug smuggling from Mexico and home to an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants.
The law requires police to question people about their immigration status — including asking for identification — if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. It's sparked fears among legal immigrants and U.S. citizens that they'll be hassled by police just because they look Hispanic.
Opponents of the law lingered at the state Capitol Saturday morning. Others gathered in Tucson outside the campaign headquarters of U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat who this week called on businesses and groups looking for convention and meeting locations to boycott Arizona. Grijalva said his staff was flooded with phone calls this week, some from people threatening violent acts and shouting racial slurs.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association announced it would move its September conference from Scottsdale, Ariz., to another state.
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the state Capitol Friday shouting that the bill would lead to civil rights abuses. But Brewer said critics were "overreacting."
"We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act," Brewer said after signing the law. "But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation."

Earlier Friday, President Barack Obama called the Arizona bill "misguided" and instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it's legal. He also said the federal government must enact immigration reform at the national level — or leave the door open to "irresponsibility by others."
"That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," Obama said.
Current law in Arizona and most states doesn't require police to ask about the immigration status of those they encounter, and many police departments prohibit officers from inquiring out of fear immigrants won't cooperate in other investigations.
The new law makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. Immigrants unable to produce documents showing they are allowed to be in the U.S. could be arrested, jailed for up to six months and fined $2,500.
It also allows lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws and toughens restrictions on hiring illegal immigrants for day labor and knowingly transporting them.
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund said it plans a legal challenge to the law, which it said "launches Arizona into a spiral of pervasive fear, community distrust, increased crime and costly litigation, with nationwide repercussions."
William Sanchez, president of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders Legal Defense Fund, said his group is preparing a federal lawsuit against Arizona to stop the law from being applied. The group represents 30,000 Evangelical churches nationwide, including 300 Latino pastors in Arizona.
"Millions of Latinos around the country are shocked," Sanchez said.
Brewer ordered the state's law enforcement licensing agency to develop a training course on how to implement it without violating civil rights. The bill will take effect in late July or early August, depending on when the current legislative session ends.
"We must enforce the law evenly, and without regard to skin color, accent, or social status," she said. "We must prove the alarmists and the cynics wrong."
Many of the demonstrators at the Capitol complex booed when Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox announced that "the governor did not listen to our prayers."
"It's going to change our lives," said Emilio Almodovar, a 13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. "We can't walk to school any more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we're illegal immigrants."
Mexico warned the proposal could affect cross-border relations, with Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa saying her country would have to "consider whether the cooperation agreements that have been developed with Arizona are viable and useful."
Francisco Loureiro, a pro-migrant activist who runs a migrant shelter in Nogales, Mexico, called the new law "racist" and said it would lead to more police abuse of migrants.
"Police in Arizona already treat migrants worse than animals," he said. "There is already a hunt for migrants and now it will be open season under the cover of a law."
Loureiro said about 250 deported migrants have been arriving at his shelter every night and that most tell him they were detained by police.
On Thursday, Mexico's Senate unanimously passed a resolution urging Brewer to veto the law.
Associated Press Writers Paul Davenport, Julie Pace in Washington and Olga R. Rodriguez in Mexico City contributed to this report.


Lifetime Streaker
May 5, 2008
I think it is about time. If the Federal Government would have taken care of this years ago Arizona would not have had to take such a drastic stand against illegals. If you read my local paper I would say 8 out of 10 criminals are hispanic (mostly drug related crime). I don't want people to think I am racist I am just sick and tired of having to take care of another countries people. There is also a large percentage of Mexicans that live here and do not pay taxes (duel citizenship). Oh and by the way I wish people would learn the frickin English language. I personally think that the only language that should be allowed in schools and work is English. Am I suppose to learn 20 different languages to make everyone comfortable..I don't think so. I in fact REFUSE to learn Spanish or any other language.


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 14, 2009
well the whole "they don't pay taxes" thing is mostly a myth. if they are here leagally with "duel Citizenship alot of them have to pay Double taxes! THey have to pay the USA taxes but not only that, they also have to pay Mexican Taxes. The majority that don't pay taxes are the ones here illegally. I know some that i have talked to about the whole taxes thing that are here legally (not born here but got citizenship) and yeah, the pay twice the tax. Its the ones not here legally that do not pay taxes and if they do, its under someone elses SS #.
