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NETleler scary emails...??

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Anyone else getting these emails from NETleler every day now?
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,sans serif]NETELELR[/FONT]
<HR style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px" color=#666666 SIZE=1 noShade>Dear Netler Customers,
Our Technical Service department has recently updated our online services, and due to this upgrade we sincerely call your attention to follow below link and reconfirm your online account details. Failure to confirm your NETELLER account details will permanently suspend you from accessing your account online.
We use the latest security measures to ensure that your NETELLER account is safe and secure. The administration asks you to accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused and expresses gratitude for cooperation.
Thanks for choosing NETLLER
NETEER Customer Service
[email protected]

This is an automatic message. Please do not reply.

That link leads to a page where you should write down passwords, scure ID and account ID and everything...
My Windowns Live Mail program warn me from these mails and mark them red...looking really scary.
After being a VIP member for 10 years I find it very hard to belive I have to write all that info down just to confirm may account and that their techteam have updated and need me to do this....and then they treat to permanently close accounts if we dont comply...and not expire dats or anything...Ive gotten 2 of these mails the last 3 days and Ive forward them to [email protected]... no response yet after almsot 3 days when they usually answer within an hour or two.....

Dont most sites always say you they will never ask for passwords and so on and that we customers/players never should never provide this info to anyone???

Anyone with NETller here knowing more about this?
Im really confused and a bit scared! :help

Ive changed the letters in the name s othe searchengies dont find it or whatever it is for...you admins can remove this post if Im not allowed to write thsi here...


sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Yes I received one on the 2nd December and went immediately to live support, who advised me to forward onto [email protected] and I also haven't heard back, but I have read on other forums that people are receiving those. I would definitely not click on the link.


Re: NETleler scary emails...?? WARNING!!

Thanks Sorcer, OMG this gotta have fooled many many customers...

They seem to have some problem with their mailservers so I had to take them on Live Chat...

It was ok for them to post this live chat but if its not for you at the Streak you can remove it.

Status: Connected
Jag S (Listening)

Your position in the queue: . Estimated wait: 14 minutes, 1 seconds.
Please wait while your queue position is calculated...

Enter search text here and click Search to search for answers while waiting.

<INPUT id=search_text_input size=40>​

<BUTTON id=btn_search class=btn type=submit>
Search</BUTTON> <BUTTON style="DISPLAY: none" id=btn_request_email_response class=btn type=submit>
Request Email Response</BUTTON> <BUTTON id=btn_cancel class=btn type=submit>
Cancel</BUTTON> <BUTTON id=btn_cancel_close class=btn type=submit>

Chat Dialog
Jag S: Hi, my name is Jag S. How may I help you?
ME: Hi, why dont [email protected] answer my mail about these scary mail you or someone else is sending out threatning customers
Jag S: Can you please verify your phone number and security answer?
Jag S: Thank you very much, we have not received any emails in regards to a threatening email from you. Can you resend that email to [email protected]?
ME: Ive done it on Friday and about an hour ago!
ME: Subject: Fw: Update Your Neteller Account Information
Jag S: Can you please copy and paste that email into a new email and forward it to [email protected]?
ME: ok wait
ME: Now its sent...Subject: 3rd mail!
ME: I think you have major problems at your place
Jag S: Thank you very much, I've just received your email. When you send us an email to [email protected] we answer it right away. Can you please forward the original email again?
Jag S: Can you confirm the email address that you received that email from?
ME: Orginal email forwarded (without my text)
Jag S: It seems as though we're not receiving the original email when you send it to us.
ME: yes, its from "Neteller" <[email protected]>
Jag S: When you copied and pasted it, we received it.
ME: I forwarded bothmail and entered the [email protected] adress
ME: I have not got any error reply from you or Hotmail themself so it has reach you
ME: well, look backwards on Friday you may find it
Jag S: Thanks, please hold one moment, I'm forwarding this information to our Phishing department. Please do not reply to that email or click on any links. NETELLER will never ask you for your Password or Secure ID.
ME: I have not done that....can you confirm you have sent out a mail like that?
Jag S: I just sent you a reply to the one and only email we received. When you forward the original email to us, we have not received it.
ME: I find it very hard tobelive I have to "confirm" my account after 10 years as a customer and VIP too for many years....
Jag S: NETELLER has not sent out any emails requesting to verify any information like that. The only case where we ask to to validate your account is when we ask for documents.
ME: Yes I got your replay on the "3rd mail" now
ME: Have you read that mail I forwarded to you now...is it sent out by someone else?
Jag S: I have read it, NETELLER would not ask you to confirm your details like that, we would never ask you to verify your secure ID.
Jag S: I'll forward the email I received from you to our Phishing department.
ME: So this page is not yours?
Jag S: Also, without clicking on the link, can you please copy and paste the link the email provides you with into this chat?
ME: It look really like your site
Jag S: Not at all, the website is different it's neteller-service.com We have received information in regards to this email.
ME: Wow...Im glad I have not filled in the fields...but I guess 1000 customers have
ME: at elast
Jag S: Unfortunately, when you forward us the original email we do not receive that email, so we're unable to send you a reply.
Jag S: As well, as a VIP member you're protected under the VIP Fraud Guarantee. Visit vip.neteller.com, click on benefits, to learn about how to ensure you keep your account protected.
ME: Ok...its ok but this look really advanced
ME: Is it ok to post this chat on a gambling forum I visit daily? Ive saked other about these emails there...
Jag S: They've done a very good job of imitating NETELLER, our Account Surveillance department is informed of this phishing email and are working to resolve the matter.
Jag S: Sure, once our chat is completed you'll have a written record of this chat. If you decide to re-post it, please ensure none of your account details are displayed (ie. security answer/telephone number/account number/email address).
ME: Ok thanks, dont worry! :)
ME: Im glad for you info! Thank you!
Jag S: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
ME: No bye for now
Last edited by a moderator:

sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Thanks for that ceks, I would have forwarded the email onto them, so that explains why I never received a reply.


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Thank you for getting their permission to post this ceks!!! that is all we ask. I am always getting things like that about banks. most of the time I get them about banks I do not have, that is how they work. They do not know if you have an account there, they are fishing for info to rip off. many people I am sure got that same letter that do not have an account there. You are so right too, no legit place would ask for all the info!!!


I clicked the link before but not filled in the info...

Just look at it!.....unbelivable!! :help



Lifetime Streaker
Mar 6, 2008
Yeah they are pretty scary good at this..

I have used NetEller for about three years, I havn´t got the email.

Thank you very much Ceks for letting us know


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 26, 2008
Have been a Neteller customer for 5 years; I did receive the same email today. When I click the link, it leads to a page, warning me of A WEB PAGE FORGERY, so you know immediately that it is fishy, thank for the warning!:)HG
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


Lifetime Streaker
Mar 6, 2008
This is from NetEllers Blog:

Some of you have reported receiving an email saying you need to confirm your account details or it will be closed. This email is pretty sophisticated, looks legit and has a link that goes to a site that looks like ours.
There’s only 1 problem—it didn’t come from us.
Protect yourself from email scams

If you received a copy of that email, you’ve been the victim of what’s called “phishing”. Do not click the link in the email and do not respond to it.

Protect yourself against email scams

Read how here:

Money Transfer & Online Payment | NETELLER ? Security > Phishing


Pro Streaker
Jan 10, 2009
Another thing to watch for in this type of e-mail are misspelled words. I noticed in the original post from CEKS that Neteller was spelled differently is several places.

Also, anytime someone asks you to update your information it is almost always a scam or as we say here is the US a phishing expedition. Your financial institutions would never ask your information through an e-mail and I would think that Neteller would be the same.

Thanks for the post and reminding us all to be on the constant look out for fraud!!!!




Nothing was misspelled in the mails I got, I only changed the letters so any searchengine dont link to the posts or whatever the reason, I think the admins here know more about it...?
I was really fooled by these scam mails...if I hadent been so annoyed and pissed at the moment I would have just filled in my info and "updated"...I felt I had to blow off some steam so I used these mails to attack NETller and yell at them in my mails...thats the only reason I didnt fill in the info which saved me this time! LMAO!



Lifetime Streaker
Feb 16, 2009
These spamming thieves will stop at nothing, yeah they get all your information then take every last penny from you. Be very very careful all. This is just like those emails saying you won 1,000,0000 dollars you only have to pay 165.00 to get it released. I have already reported these crooks to the FBI. I am so tired of these scamming spamming thieves.


sorcer3ss (RETIRED)

Staff member
Feb 25, 2008
Yes I'm also really sick of them, I constantly get them for paypal, banks I don't even belong to, people pretending to be clergy, and of course saying I have won the lottery.


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Thanks for the post ceks!!

Could you imagine??? If they buy a list with half a million, all they need is one baddddd move, (filled it in cause. . . . . . ) Nightmareish to say the least!!

We have to use common sense, new old or in the middle. I've heard it from a handful of friends who don't gamble on line " see, told ya Liz " I hate THAT arguement not too well. Sound like an idiot-- well I know what to look for etc. etc. :)

:hitstreakrockssss sleigh
