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Need Some B'day Begging Prose, Help!

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 29, 2008
Okay, streakers. I need your help. My birthday is coming up on Wednesday the 29th and normally I'm really excited about it. But, this past year with all the crap my life has gone through, I need some help cos I really don't know what to write. And, this might be fun for you too to help out a fellow streaker. Could you post your best "sucking up to the casino prose" that you can think of that I could write when emailing casinos on my birthday looking for b'day free chips? I'm looing for a creative edge to see if I can obtain maximum best results. If you're game, then propose away and I'll use the best in my emails. What's in it for you? Satisifaction you've helped a fellow streaker. May the poetry flow...thanks.

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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Hi krazy Happy early Birthday hon! Usually if you email all the places you play at in the last yr at least a day before your Birthday, most will give you a free chip. I have always just said whats in my heart like this...

Dear (casino)
May i please have a Birthday bonus? Tomorrows my birthday and i sure would appreciate it very much. Thank you for all the fun and for your awesome support team. I will be making more deposits soon.
Loyally yours,
Name and id name:hug


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Today is my birthday,
I've had a bad year.
A free chip from you
Would bring me such cheer!

I spent all my money,
My in-laws moved in.
I needed a roof
Before it caved in.

The kids needed braces,
The dog needed fixed,
The tv broke down,
No more Net Flix.

So as you can see
I need a good Bloke,
To give me a bonus
Cause I am FLAT BROKE!
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Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
lmao!! that is sooo cute Judy hon! I love that and my Birthdays in January so if you don't mind i think i will use it too lol.:hug


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
LMAO, go right ahead. I was thinking of poor krazys problems shes had this year. :hug


Junior Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
OMG Judy thats awesome!!:haha:haha

Sorry but Judy got it down. She wins. Krazy I know on my Birthday all the rivals sent me e-mails telling me I had a bonus i din't even have to ask. Simon gave me $50 And This is Vegas gave me 35$ then i had a few $10 and $20's from others so you might not even have to ask. I would keep Judy's in mind just in case though.:haha Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
I can't find the letter I sent out once for my BDay, but it went something like this:


I have an important announcement and I knew you would want to hear it too!

There is a super secret Birthday party, being held in a super secret place at a super secret time for a super secret guest!!! This super secret person asked me to invite all her friends for a seriously fun time! She mentioned you by name and said your casino rocks her sox off!

Won't you come and join her? June 1 is the special day. She is registered at (insert casino name here) and would absolutely love a special little something from you! Feel free to drop a little something in her account if you can't get out to purchase a gift or card! She appreciates that kind of gesture. = )

Hehehee! Only one casino chose to ignore me and one declined to attend. A couple even played along in their responses!
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