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my mother said

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Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
my mother said she knows why men put up with my no holds barred attitude.lol i asked why?she said its cause you are cute.i said thats no excuse.i told her i even get nasty with handsome men not just the ugly ones.i treat them all alike.she said my best friend told her about one guy that really stunk and that i told him i need a program to tell which end i was talking to his face or his butt because he smelled like caca when he spoke but his butt might have been talking who knows just get away from me.my mom was laughing so hard when my friend told her this.then she said to me you better start being nicer to these men or you will never find love.i told her love is over rated and blind been there done that not going back on that merry go round and when you get married the men change from prince charming to howdy doody,pee wee herman,hitler,jack the ripper,or the biggest horn dog in town.thanks but no thanks i will stay single and my pockets will jiggle and i don't have to punch a time clock with anyone and i can do as i damn well please.hug's alea :hug :dancelady


Lifetime Streaker
Jul 6, 2008
You crack me up alea! I love the way you say exactly whats on your mind!!:hug:drinnking



Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
awwwwwwwwwwww thanks bb for the support i think its best to be who you are and to say what you feel.i have alot of friends and they love me just the way i am and i like me just the way i am.:hug alea
