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Daniel Tzvetkoff
Poker on the Internet has received a serious blow to the U.S. after the FBI action "black Friday", when 11 members of the leadership positions of sites, and co-founding directors, federal authorities have been arrested, the newspaper said Courier Mail.
Also, U.S. feds have frozen about 76 bank accounts in 14 countries, who had links with those arrested. Last but not least, the FBI closed aa five sites that were used by three companies to host the games.
Do not tell me what is the exact number who have been injured by U.S. authorities, but said that big media companies have tricked banks in the U.S. poker with "billions" of dollars. Sydney Morning Herald journalists say the authorities are trying to recover from these companies amount to $ 3 billion.
All this action is supposed to have been coordinated by an Australian online business tycoon.
Currently, the online poker industry in Australia is trying to convince the public that there was no risk money if he will play on the Internet. These are sites PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker, whose bosses have got behind bars, with the FBI on charges of money laundering.
For this reason, the U.S. players fear internet poker online environment will disappear from the U.S., especially bets are banned since 2006. Companies such as PokerStars solution was to move to a new area, and pokerstars.eu escape the long arm of U.S. law.
And, however, is to blame one man.
Where did the whole story
Daniel Tzvetkoff Australian boy is described as a prodigy, a genius, who at 13 has made its first deal. In 2008, he "worth" about 80 million dollars.
Tzvetkoff created sites and Poker Stars Full Tilt Poker, turning them into sites of millions of dollars. His earnings were nearly $ 150,000 a day, but he got greedy and started stealing money from internet poker companies.
He was sued, accused of stealing over 100 million dollars from other co-owners of the site. Tzvetkoff was arrested in Las Vegas in April 2010, accused of laundering money for an amount of 540 million dollars, fraud and internet fraud. The punishment which may receive it: 75 years in prison.
Because it is Australian citizen and also a lot of money, was denied parole. But after meeting a "secret" with prosecutors, he went "immediately" from prison. And now, those who have sued him suffer the consequences.
Daniel Tzvetkoff known operations that make these poker sites on the outside, and are in a situation where American lawyers can give information that can bury those sites. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, all those who have been imprisoned now risking imprisonment for a period of 30 years.
Daniel Tzvetkoff
Poker on the Internet has received a serious blow to the U.S. after the FBI action "black Friday", when 11 members of the leadership positions of sites, and co-founding directors, federal authorities have been arrested, the newspaper said Courier Mail.
Also, U.S. feds have frozen about 76 bank accounts in 14 countries, who had links with those arrested. Last but not least, the FBI closed aa five sites that were used by three companies to host the games.
Do not tell me what is the exact number who have been injured by U.S. authorities, but said that big media companies have tricked banks in the U.S. poker with "billions" of dollars. Sydney Morning Herald journalists say the authorities are trying to recover from these companies amount to $ 3 billion.
All this action is supposed to have been coordinated by an Australian online business tycoon.
Currently, the online poker industry in Australia is trying to convince the public that there was no risk money if he will play on the Internet. These are sites PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker, whose bosses have got behind bars, with the FBI on charges of money laundering.
For this reason, the U.S. players fear internet poker online environment will disappear from the U.S., especially bets are banned since 2006. Companies such as PokerStars solution was to move to a new area, and pokerstars.eu escape the long arm of U.S. law.
And, however, is to blame one man.
Where did the whole story
Daniel Tzvetkoff Australian boy is described as a prodigy, a genius, who at 13 has made its first deal. In 2008, he "worth" about 80 million dollars.
Tzvetkoff created sites and Poker Stars Full Tilt Poker, turning them into sites of millions of dollars. His earnings were nearly $ 150,000 a day, but he got greedy and started stealing money from internet poker companies.
He was sued, accused of stealing over 100 million dollars from other co-owners of the site. Tzvetkoff was arrested in Las Vegas in April 2010, accused of laundering money for an amount of 540 million dollars, fraud and internet fraud. The punishment which may receive it: 75 years in prison.
Because it is Australian citizen and also a lot of money, was denied parole. But after meeting a "secret" with prosecutors, he went "immediately" from prison. And now, those who have sued him suffer the consequences.
Daniel Tzvetkoff known operations that make these poker sites on the outside, and are in a situation where American lawyers can give information that can bury those sites. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, all those who have been imprisoned now risking imprisonment for a period of 30 years.