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men have man caves but i have the ladies lair

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Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
yes i do,when i quite smoking i put all money i could aside that i use to use on smokes.i redid a large area of my basement.i had a suken jacuzzi put in with a hand held shower on it.i bought 2 used beauty chairs and a wash sink for hair.i have a toilet and a baday in my room also have a recliner that massages and heats your body 37 inch tv nice stero, small fridge ,inter com,cordless phone and back up cell phone in case of emerg,have all in one coffee pot with toaster and egg cooker in one unit.i dont drink coffee anymore but i use pot to make hot tea water.i bought steam unit that i warm my towels and jammys and robe in they feel great after u get out of jacuzzi that towel feels so nice and warm on body.i have my room filled with everything i even have small area for my makeup center .my friends love the ladies lair and they r making there own.almost everything i put into this room was used or bought on sale i did not pay any labor as most of myfriends do this type of work you know elect and plumbing you know stuff like that.all they asked for in return is a good meal with a few beers the price is right for me.so go on ladies make your own littlepart of heaven where no man can go.just thought i would share this with you.hug's alea


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Wow thats great Alea! I would love a ladies lair!! :yes


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
carey,its great to have your own space your own little haven,we are helping one girl she calls hers the dame's den.she got almost all the same things i have in mine.i just stocked up on my mane and tail shampoo and conditioner.my friends never used it before they tried it and loved it i have very long hair.it makes your hair grow and i turned them on to pre-natal vitimens they make your hair grow skin glow and nails grow all the girls now take them and are amazed at how good they feel and looked just after 2 weeks of useing this.so go ahead carey get your ladys lair going it took me 7 months to get mine done plus getting all the things i wanted in it.also if you have a bargain paper you can put wanted free or very reasonable things that you want in your lair.i got the suken jacuzzi for 200 dollars by asking for free or reasonable in our bargain paper.try it people are always ready to get rid of stuff and you won't know its there if you don't ask.hug's alea


Pro Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
come on girls it dosn't cost alot and i think alot a women need this type of room to unwind.hug's alea
