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May Deposit Bonus @ 32Red

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Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
May Elections 100% Deposit Bonus

Claim up to 100 Free Chips in May depending on the outcome of the London Mayor Elections…

Every four years, millions of London residents queue in their local Church Hall or School to cast their vote for the Mayor of London. Some would say that the 366 tonnes of paper used to print the Mayoral booklet is a waste, whilst others believe the promises of “safer transport”, “reducing crime” and “providing new opportunities for younger people” make it all worth while.

We’re offering you up to 100 Free Chips on your first deposit in May depending on the outcome of the 2008 election (which takes place on May 1st). Simply check out the result, deposit funds into the casino and before you start playing, contact us with the relevant bonus code and we’ll match your deposit with a 100% Bonus up to the maximum specified in the table below…

Boris Johnson

32 Free Chips
“Boris Bonus”

Ken Livingston

50 Free Chips
“Red Ken Bonus”

Any Other

100 Free Chips
“Any Other Bonus

If you’re not interested in the outcome of the election, don’t worry, you can still get a 100% Deposit Bonus in May of up to 25 Free Chips. Simply contact us and quote “Who Cares!” and we’ll match your first deposit with a 25 chip bonus.

For more information on the elections, or to see the result, check out http://www.londonelects.org.uk/

Good luck at the Casino!


1. All of the May monthly bonuses are only available to players who registered, deposited and played prior to midnight on 30th April 2008.

2. Only players invited via email can claim the May Monthly bonuses.

3. The bonus offered will be linked to the winner of the London Mayoral Elections 2008. For example, if Ken Livingston is elected, only the “Red Ken Bonus” will be valid - the “Boris Bonus” and “Any Other” bonus will be void. The “Who Cares” bonus is only available for players who choose not to take any of the other bonuses.

4. If, for whatever reason, the Mayor is not decided from the ballot in May, the winner (for purposes of this promotion only) will be determined to be Boris Johnson and the “Boris Bonus” will be valid throughout May.

5. This offer is valid for the casino only. In addition, the bonus cannot be transferred to a player's sportsbook or poker account, and may not be used for casino games at the Poker Room.

6. Players must claim and receive their May bonus before they start playing with their deposit. Requests for the bonus once players have started wagering their deposit will be rejected.

7. Players claiming the bonus must place bets to the value of 20x their initial deposit and bonus before a withdrawal request can be made. Once you have made a deposit and claimed the bonus, you will not be able to make any withdrawals until the wagering requirements have been met for both the deposit and the free chips.

8. Even Money bets at the Sic Bo, Craps and Roulette tables and bets on Progressive Jackpots do not count towards the wagering requirement.

9. This promotion is restricted to one player per household, even if there is more than one computer retained at the address. The identity of a user will be determined on the basis of all or any combination of the following: name, mailing address, e-mail address, IP address, credit/debit card number, computer, and any other forms of identification which may be required.

10. This bonus is to be used in the calendar month in which it is awarded, May 2008. 32Red reserves the right to remove unused match bonuses if the promotion's terms are not fulfilled within the same month. Players' purchased chips are deemed to be played first.

11. The May monthly bonus offer is valid for only the first deposit made in May 2008.

12. Only those players playing with real money are eligible for the May bonus.

13. The casino may, at their sole discretion, limit the eligibility of customers to participate in this promotion, for any reason whatsoever without notice to the end users. No correspondence will be entered into. 32Red's decision will be considered final in the event of a dispute.

14. The casino reserves the right to modify, alter, discontinue or terminate this promotion at any time for any reason whatsoever without notice to the end users, using reasonable efforts to provide such notice in advance.

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Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
Awww man I used to love those monthly matches at 32red! Come on congress, get that damn bill thrown in the garbage already!:(
