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texas hOOters

Senior Streaker
Feb 28, 2008
Have you guys seen Liz ? Today is the day they might take her off the vent.

Liz...let us know your ok ! :eek:


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
If today is the day the have to make the decision, then she probably won't be around today. I sure wish them all well.:eek:


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Thank you all.

Her vitals were beter today. But that can come and go. They want to have a family talk Monday or Tue. I said call Teri first, call me and let me know when and I'll be there!! And I'll call my brother who's the oldest sibbling.

Virginia just turned 84 and has had a hell of a time for the last year. My sister says--" Meeting?? Why do we need a family meeting?" I'm sure EVERYONE reading this gets it. The nurse told me today that to keep her alive, she would need a treck. My sister says well fine! Do it. We don't need a meeting. Virginia is suffering. She's still getting blood and on Moraphine.

I've been a complete mess!!! I can't stop shaking. So next week we ARE going to have a meet with her Dr.'s. Everyone, EVERYONE but my sister gets it. I don't even want to think about the legalities, but she has more than one child. And, if it comes to my sister insisting on a trek, my mom knows I love her and vice-versa but I can't be a part of it. She gets a trek, more pain, is still unresponsive, till what? Or how long?? To me, that is the most cruel and selfish thing to do to another human.

Ya, animals are kinder!

I'll keep you guys posted, I've put a file on her computer with all the well wishes etc.

I've been shaking soo hard for the last few days, it's hard to type.

Kind love and peace-


Super Moderator
Feb 20, 2008
Like I have said before hon LIFE SUCKS! I am sorry your family is having to go through this. Please remember that not everyone feels the same way about life support Liz. Also, not everyone can deal with the reality of certain situations. You already know that you and your sister do not think the same way, act the same way or feel the same way. Please listen to her and let her know you understand and then tell her what you are thinking and feeling. Life is not always black and white! Good luck :eek:


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 25, 2008
Liz, Sending you a big group HUG, Wish it could be in person!!

God grant me the
erenity to accept
eople I cannot
ourage to
change the
ne I can,
isdom to know
it's Me..

For your Sis


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
Like I have said before hon LIFE SUCKS! I am sorry your family is having to go through this. Please remember that not everyone feels the same way about life support Liz. Also, not everyone can deal with the reality of certain situations. You already know that you and your sister do not think the same way, act the same way or feel the same way. Please listen to her and let her know you understand and then tell her what you are thinking and feeling. Life is not always black and white! Good luck :eek:

Hey Now! :eek:

I've tried and am still trying with my sister. The thing is she lives in black and white. When I try and talk about our mom, I tell her I understand, I don't wanna lose her either. When it comes to me telling her how I feel, over the phone- she hangs up on me or in person- she walks away.

Having lost 20 or so friends to Cancer and drug addiction, well, I dunno, but I do know life is never black or white!


And MoSolwJj You are very special to me! But- ya already know that :eek:



Lifetime Streaker
Jan 17, 2008
The nurse told me today that to keep her alive, she would need a treck

And what does her doctor say??

and Liz maybe your sister needs to know in her own heart in her own mind that everything possible has been done as far as your Mom is concerned.. is that really such a bad thing??


Staff member
Jan 8, 2008
and Liz maybe your sister needs to know in her own heart in her own mind that everything possible has been done as far as your Mom is concerned

That could very well be it. But even when you know they have done everything they can its still extremelly hard to let the person go....
Its a horrible thing and the pain is so bad even when you know its the best thing and what they would have wanted. Life is just not fair and it really really hurts!

I am so sorry you are going through this Liz. Be strong hon and know that we are all here for you whenever you need us!!


Lifetime Streaker
Feb 24, 2008
And what does her doctor say??

and Liz maybe your sister needs to know in her own heart in her own mind that everything possible has been done as far as your Mom is concerned.. is that really such a bad thing??

The message came from the Dr. but we are having a meeting. Claire and I are going to see her and then Claire and I are going to hang at her place by the beach.

And I hear you about Teri, the thing is, she is soo afraid of death, her respone is put the trek in-PERIOD! Even though she's still unresponsive. But, she's not the only sibbling!!! My mom is suffering. 84. The last thing I want is to lose her!!! But, I'm compassionate enough to say enough! The trek is not a guarentee that she'll come around, just more pain!!

Anyway, thanks for all your kindness and help etc. I better get dressed!!

Peace and Love
