Hi Everyone~ its been awhile. Wanted to post somewhere and say hello and where better than a post started by my buddy Lizz.... miss you lady! Miss you all!
Don't have much computer access lately. I'm presently awaiting release from my latest hospital stay. Chemo #3 for my breast cancer, 3 more to go. I end up in the hospital after each one though - the white blood cells simply disasppear and they build me back up, to get me ready for the next one.
hahaha thats pretty accurate of me nowadays... but you all who know me, I'm a fighter, a survivor I will be. Ready to walk the 3 day march in Phoenix in November is my goal.
I won't be back on for awhile after posting this but I am posting my cell number in hopes I can get CaLizz to give me a call ... or anyone for that matter.. I welcome all calls. And if its not me answering then its Phil who most of you remember as my long term side kick ... he has been my rock of gilbrater through my illness... taking such good care of me. My youngest baby, Billy, now 16 lives with my older son Spike, not too far from where I am. You should check him out, Lizz, he has hair down to his shoulders, wears the rock concert t shirts (black of course) has his own guitar which he hopes to one day play to sold out audiences .... he is into the hard rock of today and past ... where Spike at 28 is into the ghetto gangster music but with the preppy look and a few tats recently gotten. Kids - gotta love em!! Both unique and individual and all Gods gifts!!
So after jotting this number down feel free to edit if you think its better that way although a good 'perv' call may boost my blood cells right up!! haha ... sick humor.. yep I still have it! 480 233 1094
Miss you all !! And I hope to get back this way again soon and have some time to mingle a bit more. But for now, I welcome your prayers my way and good thoughts from me to all of you!!