I'm beginning to think that kids...now, i love them to death, but they are just little germ carriers and a bunch of midgets on acid..lol First my son caught a cold, then I got it (yes, i feel like sh*t) and now the baby. Did I tell you she was a Taurus? Yep, you guessed it...She's a bull...Literally...My goodness, how miserable she can be. So, I put Vicks on all 3 of us and yes we smell like a bottle of camphor oil and anyone who comes near us, will breathe easier. Did we actually have a summer? I don't recall because of all the damn rain. My son actually told me he misses Santa Clause. maybe this should be in the pimp slap thread. Anyway, on a lighter note, it's Thursday, one day closer to the weekend. I hope all my streakers have a great day!